Special Video Message from Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa to Gazans ar Easter "We always pray for you...Don't lose your faith, don't lose your hope..." - VIDEO

As of publication of this article, at least 32,000 people, including over 14,000 children in Gaza have been killed and over 72,889 wounded by Israeli attacks on the strip since the October 7th Hamas attack which left nearly 1,200 dead.
 Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, sent a special Easter Message to the Christians in Gaza. The March 30th video message, included Bishop William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar for Jerusalem and Palestine, Father Gabriel Romanelli, Parish Priest of Gaza, and Father Davide Meli, Chancellor of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, who translated into Arabic. “I’m sure that also in Gaza it’s possible to celebrate Easter,” Cardinal Pizzaballa said, telling the people of Gaza that the Church is praying for them, and “will try to support you as much as we can."
Speaking after the Cardinal, Bishop Shomali said, ”Dear Father Yousef, the Sisters, and our parishioners in the Holy Family Church. Good Friday was not only one day for you but it has lasted for 6 months, indeed it has been a long night. But as H.B. the Patriarch said, you are not alone, millions and millions of your brothers and sisters in the world ask about you and lift you in their prayers. Definitely, after this long dark night, Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, will come. And this prolonged struggle will cease. And God is more than able to make something good out of this evil. Happy Easter! Dear Father and sisters and my children in Gaza, and all the people of Gaza. During this feast, although your experience of Golgotha has not ended yet, it won't last forever. After Golgotha, there is always an empty tomb that awaits us, the resurrection of Our Lord. The hope of the resurrection gives us strength to remain steadfast, to love one another. Hopefully, soon, the Lord will give us signs of a new hope. Happy Easter! And I hope I will be back with you soon. The Lord is Risen, truly he has Risen."
