European Union Catholic Bishops on Election Results “With more than 370 million citizens called to the polls in 27 different countries, these elections...have been a great exercise in democracy."

COMECE Secretariat comments on preliminary 2024 EU election results
Following the 2024 elections of the European Parliament, the Secretariat of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) issued the following comment on the election’s preliminary results on Monday, 10 June 2024.
“With more than 370 million citizens called to the polls in 27 different countries, these elections, which respect the different voting traditions of the Member States, have been a great exercise in democracy.
The preliminary results show that a pro-European majority is maintained in the EU Parliament. The majority of those who voted expressed support for the European project and a strong desire for more Europe. This is good news and one of the key points the bishops of COMECE emphasised in the months prior to the elections.
The turnout for these elections is around 50%. While this is in line with previous EU elections, it is still not enough, indicating a persistent disinterest and lack of commitment among EU citizens. A low turnout, combined with the strong increase in nationalistic and Eurosceptic parties, especially in the founding countries of the European Union, manifests a strong dissatisfaction with the performance of the EU.

The results of these elections urge all of us, especially the newly elected MEPs and the future Commissioners, to work to reduce the perceived gaping between the European Union and its citizens and to give adequate answers to their real concerns.”
Election 2024: Updated seat projection for new European Parliament
Updated projection for the composition of the new Parliament based on final and provisional results in 26 countries and pre-electoral data for one (as of 11.38).
2024 provisional results as of 10 June at 11:38
The above projection is based on:
final results from 12 EU member states: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Slovakia;provisional results from 14 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden;and pre-electoral data for Ireland.

Preliminary figures suggest an estimated turnout across the EU of 50,8%.

The projections of Parliament’s composition are based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament and its political groups, without prejudice to the composition of the next Parliament at its constitutive session.

All national parties without a current official affiliation and not part of "Non-attached” in the current Parliament are assigned to a holding category called "Others", regardless of their political orientation.

Seat projections will continue to be updated and published on where you will also find national results, seats by political group and country, the breakdown by national parties and political groups, and turnout. You will also be able to compare results, check majorities or create your widget.
Source: COMECE Release
