Novena to Saint Barnabas - Prayer to the Peacemaker Whose Name Means Son of Encouragement and Patron Saint Against Hailstorms and Cyprus


St. Barnabas, whose feast day is June 11, as mentioned in the bible was often among the apostles. He accompanied St. Paul in preaching the Gospel. He was born in Cyprus of Jewish parents. Barnabas means son of encouragement and he is the patron against hailstorms and of Cyprus. A novena is a powerful prayer that is repeated for 9 days.

Novena to Saint Barnabas:

Glorious servant of God, St. Barnabas, intercede for me before God my creator that I may love Him and serve Him every moment of my life. With your prayers, guide me always to our Lord Jesus as you guided the early Christian community.
Infuse upon me your spirit, that I may earnestly listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit/ and direct my actions accordingly. Pray for me/ that I might abandon whatever contrary to my Christian name, life, faith, and practices.
O faithful servant of God, St. Barnabas, help me to imitate your spiritual life in order that I may inspire and transform those whom I encounter in my daily life, towards a life of holiness and sanctity. May I imbibe the spirit of the early Christian community in listening to the Sacred Scripture. May I take every effort to nourish my soul with the holy Eucharist. May I nurture a genuine fellowship and communion with the members of my parish. May I aspire to do good without expecting anything in return. May I promote unity and charity wherever I am. Let me not consumed
into pride, ego, selfishness, and falsehood. Instruct me to be careful of every word that comes from my mouth. Help me to be mindful of my tongue, to avoid speaking ill of others, and destroy their reputation. Keep me strong in my faith, and joyful in my
witness to Christ. Make me an instrument of God’s grace, to lead more souls to the arms of our Lord. I firmly believe that you will intercede for me/ to obtain these graces
from our Lord. And so, we pray.
Our Father… Hail Mary…. Glory be to the Father…
Leader: Glorious St. Barnabas, our patron saint.
 Pray for us!
O God, who decreed that Saint Barnabas,
a man filled with faith and the Holy Spirit,
should be set apart to convert the nations,
grant that the Gospel of Christ,/ which he strenuously preached,
may be faithfully proclaimed/ by word and deed by us here in our parish.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen
