The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assent of Pope Francis, grants approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje, recognizing the abundant spiritual fruits received at the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace without making a declaration on the supernatural character of the Marian apparitions.
A document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by Pope Francis, recognizes the many spiritual fruits associated with the parish of the Shrine of the "Queen of Peace." The document does not comment on the supernatural, but formulates an overall positive judgment on the messages, albeit with some clarifications.
"It is time to close a long and complex story surrounding the spiritual phenomena of Medjugorje. In this story there have been different opinions of bishops, theologians, commissions and analysts." These are the opening words of the document "The Queen of Peace", a note on the spiritual experience related to Medjugorje, signed by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández and Monsignor Armando Matteo, respectively Prefect and Secretary of the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is a text approved by Pope Francis on August 28, which recognizes the goodness of the spiritual fruits related to the experience in Medjugorje and empowers the faithful to hold on to them - in accordance with the new norms for discerning these phenomena - since "many positive fruits have appeared and no negative or risky effects have spread among the People of God". Overall, the verdict on the messages is also positive, although with some clarifications on some expressions. It is also stressed that "the conclusions of this note do not imply any judgment on the moral life of the alleged seers" and that the spiritual gifts "do not necessarily presuppose the moral perfection of the persons involved in order to be able to act".
"It is time to close a long and complex story surrounding the spiritual phenomena of Medjugorje. In this story there have been different opinions of bishops, theologians, commissions and analysts." These are the opening words of the document "The Queen of Peace", a note on the spiritual experience related to Medjugorje, signed by Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández and Monsignor Armando Matteo, respectively Prefect and Secretary of the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is a text approved by Pope Francis on August 28, which recognizes the goodness of the spiritual fruits related to the experience in Medjugorje and empowers the faithful to hold on to them - in accordance with the new norms for discerning these phenomena - since "many positive fruits have appeared and no negative or risky effects have spread among the People of God". Overall, the verdict on the messages is also positive, although with some clarifications on some expressions. It is also stressed that "the conclusions of this note do not imply any judgment on the moral life of the alleged seers" and that the spiritual gifts "do not necessarily presuppose the moral perfection of the persons involved in order to be able to act".
“The Queen of Peace”:
Note About the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje
1. The time has come to conclude a long and complex history that has surrounded the spiritual phenomena of Medjugorje. It is a history in which bishops, theologians, commissions, and analysts have expressed a series of divergent opinions.
The conclusions expressed in this Note are presented in the context of what was established in the new Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena (Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, 17 May 2024; henceforth, “Norms”). Consequently, the perspective of this analysis is quite different from that which was used in earlier studies.
It is important to clarify from the outset that the conclusions of this Note do not imply a judgment about the moral life of the alleged visionaries. Additionally, when recognizing an action of the Spirit for the good of the People of God “in the midst of” a spiritual experience, present from its beginnings until now, we should remember that the charismatic gifts (gratiae gratis datae) that may be connected to that experience do not necessarily require those involved to have moral perfection.
2. Although we find many positive elements that help to heed the call of the Gospel when we consider the overall set of messages tied to this spiritual experience, some people believe that certain messages contain contradictions or are connected with the desires or interests of the alleged visionaries or others. It cannot be ruled out that this may have happened in the case of a few messages. This reminds us that the Norms of this Dicastery state that such phenomena “at times appear connected to confused human experiences, theologically inaccurate expressions, or interests that are not entirely legitimate” (Norms, par. 14). This does not exclude the possibility of “some error of a natural order […] not due to bad intentions, but to the subjective perception of the phenomenon” (ibid., art. 15, 2°). As an example of this imprecise and ultimately theologically incorrect mystical language, among the messages connected to Medjugorje (cf. Raccolta completa dei messaggi della Regina della Pace. «Vi supplico: convertitevi!» [Camerata Picena, Italy, 2024]; in some cases, the translation was improved by comparing it with the original texts), we can mention the isolated expression, “my Son, one and triune, loves you” (2 November 2017). It is not unusual for mystical texts that intend to express the presence of the whole Trinity in the mystery of the Incarnate Word to use an unsuitable expression such as this. In this case, the text should be understood to say that in the Son made man, the love of the Triune God is manifested (cf. Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “‘Trinity Mercy’: Letter to the Bishop of Como on the Spiritual Experience Connected with the Sanctuary of Maccio (Villa Guardia)”, 15 July 2024). In addition, the reader should be aware that whenever this Note refers to “messages” from Our Lady, it always intends this to mean “alleged messages.”
To discern events related to Medjugorje, we are fundamentally considering the existence of clearly verified fruits, together with an analysis of the alleged Marian messages.
The Fruits
3. An immediate effect surrounding the phenomena associated with Medjugorje has been the large and growing number of devotees worldwide, together with the many people who make a pilgrimage there from the most varied places.
The positive fruits are most evident in the promotion of a healthy practice of a life of faith, in accordance with the tradition of the Church. In the context of Medjugorje, this applies both to those who had been previously distant from the faith as well as to those who had practiced the faith only superficially. The uniqueness of the place lies in the large number of such fruits: abundant conversions, a frequent return to the sacraments (particularly, the Eucharist and Reconciliation), many vocations to priestly, religious, and married life, a deepening of the life of faith, a more intense practice of prayer, many reconciliations between spouses, and the renewal of marriage and family life. It should be noted that such experiences occur above all in the context of pilgrimages to the places associated with the original events rather than in meetings with the “visionaries” to be present for the alleged apparitions.
4. The intense daily pastoral work in the parish of Medjugorje has increased due to the “Medjugorje phenomenon”. In that parish, we can observe the daily recitation of various parts of the Rosary, the celebration of the Holy Mass (with many liturgies, also on weekdays), adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and numerous confessions. Outside the parish church there are two Stations of the Cross, a large hall for catechesis, and a small chapel for adoration. In addition to the regular sacramental and spiritual life, Medjugorje also hosts various ordinary pastoral activities, such as annual seminars of different kinds, a Youth Festival, and spiritual retreats held for priests, married couples, pilgrimage organizers, peace center directors, and prayer group leaders.
Moreover, for decades, the parish of Medjugorje has continued to be a major pilgrimage destination. Unlike other sites linked to apparitions, people seem to visit Medjugorje mainly to renew their faith rather than to seek help with specific requests. Notably, groups of Orthodox Christians and Muslims also visit the shrine.
5. Many people have discovered their vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life in the context of the “Medjugorje phenomenon.” The stories of these people are quite different, yet they converge in the same spiritual experience of feeling called to follow Jesus in this way. Some individuals went to Medjugorje to discover God’s will in their lives, others went just out of curiosity, and still others went with no faith at all. Several people reported receiving the grace of a vocation, with a strong desire to give themselves entirely to God while they were on the mountain where the alleged apparitions occurred; others experienced this call while they were in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
For many people, life changed after they accepted the spirituality of Medjugorje (messages, prayer, fasting, adoration, Holy Mass, confession, etc.) in their daily lives, leading them to pursue a call to the priesthood or religious life. Some feel they received in Medjugorje the decisive confirmation of a vocation that had been maturing already for a long time. There are also many cases where individuals discovered a particular vocation that, while occurring outside Medjugorje itself, nevertheless took place within groups inspired by its spirituality or by reading books related to this experience.
Moreover, there is no shortage of genuine conversions of people who had been far from God and the Church and who moved from a life marked by sin to adopt radical existential changes oriented toward the Gospel. Numerous healings have also been reported in connection with Medjugorje.
So many others have discovered the beauty of being Christians through Medjugorje. For many, it became a place chosen by God to renew their faith; thus, some experience it as a new starting point for their spiritual journey. In many cases, people were able to overcome a spiritual crisis thanks to Medjugorje. Others report a desire awakened in the context of Medjugorje to give themselves deeply to the service of God in obedience to the Church, or to give themselves with greater commitment to the life of faith in their home parish. Meanwhile, in many nations worldwide, a great number of Marian devotional and prayer groups have emerged that are inspired by the spiritual experience of Medjugorje. Works of charity have also arisen in connection with various communities and associations, particularly those that care for orphans, drug addicts, alcoholics, children facing various difficulties, and people with disabilities.
Particularly notable is the presence of many young people, young couples, and adults who rediscover the Christian faith in Medjugorje through Our Lady, with an experience that directs them to Christ in the Church. A witness to the strong presence of young people in Medjugorje is the annual Youth Festival.
Beyond these particular fruits, Medjugorje is perceived as a space of great peace, recollection, and a piety that is sincere, deep, and easily shared.
In conclusion, the positive fruits linked to this spiritual experience are evident and, over time, they have become distinct from the experience of the alleged visionaries, who are no longer seen as the central mediators of the “Medjugorje phenomenon.” In the midst of this phenomenon, the Holy Spirit is carrying out many beautiful and positive things.
Central Aspects of the Messages
The Queen of Peace
6. While the Gospa [i.e., Lady] most frequently ascribes to herself the name “Mother”, according to various expressions (Mother of the Church, of God, of the righteous, of the saints, etc.), the most original title in the messages is that of “Queen of Peace” (cf. Message of 16 June 1983). This title offers a vision that is theocentric and very rich in the true meaning of peace. According to this understanding, peace signifies not only the absence of war; it also has a spiritual, family, and social meaning. Indeed, this peace is achieved primarily through prayer, but it is also spread through missionary efforts. One of the prevailing characteristics of the spirituality that emerges from the messages is that of trust in God through a total trust in Mary, in order to become instruments of peace in the world. The messages about this theme are quite numerous, some of which we will quote here:
“Dear children, I came to you and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace because my Son sent me. I desire, dear children, to help you: to help you so that peace may come” (10 August 2012).
“Peace. Peace. Peace! Be reconciled! Be reconciled with God and among yourselves” (26 June 1981).
“Dear children, without prayer, there is no peace. Therefore, I urge you, dear children, to pray at the foot of the Cross for peace” (6 September 1984).
“I call upon you all to pray responsibly for peace. Pray, dear children, for peace to reign in the world, for peace to reign in the hearts of men and in the hearts of my children. Therefore, be my bearers of peace in this restless world. Be my living sign: a sign of peace” (5 August 2013).
“Dear children, I call upon all of you who have heard my message of peace to implement it in your lives with seriousness and with love. There are many who think they are doing a lot by talking about the messages, but they do not live them. Dear children, I call you to life and to change all that is negative in you, so that everything may become positive and life-giving” (25 May 1991).
“You err when you look to the future, thinking only of wars, punishments, and evil. If you always think of evil, you are already putting yourself on the road to meet it. For the Christian, there is only one attitude toward the future: the hope of salvation. Your task is to accept God’s peace, to live it, and to spread it” (10 June 1982).
“Today’s world lives amid high tensions and walks on the brink of a catastrophe. It can only be saved if it finds peace. But it can only have peace by returning to God” (15 February 1983).
“I have presented myself here as the Queen of Peace to tell everyone that peace is necessary for the salvation of the world. Only in God can you find true joy, which is the source of true peace. Therefore, I ask for conversion” (16 June 1983).
“Carry peace in your hearts. Nurture it like a flower that needs water, tenderness, and light” (25 February 2003).
The Peace That Flows from Love
7. This peace is not an end in itself, nor does it express the highest Christian value. Rather, it is the fruit of love that is lived, which is the greatest and most beautiful virtue. It is the love that surrenders itself to God’s love and expresses itself in the fraternal love that avoids quarrels, does not judge, and forgives:
“Love one another. Be brothers and sisters to one another and avoid all quarrels” (25 December 1981). “Dear children, also today I want to call upon you to forgive. Forgive, my children! Forgive others, forgive yourselves” (13 March 2010). “Dear children, this is the time of thanksgiving. Today, from you, I seek love. Do not look for mistakes and errors in others, and do not judge them” (4 May 2020).
This love, which enables us to bring peace to the world, also implies a love for those who are not Catholic. Indeed, this is not to propose syncretism or to say that “all religions are equal before God.” Yet still, all people are loved. This is a point best understood in the ecumenical and interreligious context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has been marked by a terrible war with strong religious components:
“On earth, you are divided, but you are all my children. Muslims, Orthodox, Catholics, all of you are equal before my Son and me. You are all my children. This does not mean that all religions are equal before God, but people are. It is not enough, however, to belong to the Catholic Church to be saved: one must respect God’s will [...]. To whom little has been given, little will be asked” (20 May 1982). “You are not true Christians if you do not respect your brothers and sisters who belong to other religions” (21 February 1983). However, there is also a reminder of the need to “preserve the Catholic faith at all costs, for you and for your children” (19 February 1984).
The King of Peace
8. The title “Queen of Peace” corresponds to the title “King of Peace”, which is attributed to Jesus:
“I call on you, dear children, so that your life may be united with him. Jesus is the King of Peace, and only he can give you the peace that you seek. I am with you, and I present you to Jesus” (25 December 1995). “In my hands, I have little Jesus, the King of Peace” (25 December 2002). “With great joy, I bring you the King of Peace, that he may bless you with his blessing” (25 December 2007).
Only God
9. The messages offer a strongly theocentric view of the spiritual life and frequently call upon us to make a trusting surrender to God, who is love:
“Dear children, today I call upon you to surrender entirely to God. Give everything you do and everything you possess over to God so that he may reign in your life as King of everything. Do not be afraid!” (25 July 1988).
“Dear children, today I call upon you to live the following words this week: ‘I love God!’ Dear children, with love, you will achieve everything, even what you consider to be impossible” (28 February 1985).
“Dear children, I call upon you to a total surrender to God. Let everything you possess be in the hands of God. Only in this way will you have joy in your hearts. My children, rejoice in all that you have. Give thanks to God because everything is God’s gift to you. Thus, you will be able in life to give thanks for everything and discover God in everything, even in the smallest flower” (25 April 1989).
10. In light of everything above, we can see a nucleus of messages in which Our Lady does not place herself at the center but shows herself to be fully directed toward our union with God:
“Behold, for this I am with you: to teach you and bring you closer to the Love of God” (25 May 1999).
“I call you first to love God, the Creator of your life; then you will recognize and love God in everyone” (25 November 1992).
“I am with you and intercede before God for each of you so that your hearts may be opened to God and God’s love” (25 March 2000).
“I call upon you all to grow in God’s love, like a flower that feels the warm rays of spring” (25 April 2008).
“Do not waver in your faith and do not ask ‘why’, thinking that you are alone and abandoned. Instead, open your hearts, pray, and believe firmly. Then your hearts will feel God’s closeness and that God never abandons you—that he is always beside you” (25 December 2019).
11. For this reason, Mary invites the listener to encounter God, who is always present in daily life:
“You seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls upon you to convert and return to the path of truth and salvation” (25 September 1998). “May the wheat fields speak to you of God’s mercy toward every creature” (25 August 1999). “God wants to save you, and so he sends you messages through people, through nature, and through many other things that can help you understand that you must change the direction of your life” (25 March 1990).
12. The intercession and work of Mary are shown to be clearly subordinate to Jesus Christ, the author of grace and salvation for every person:
“In a special way, my children, I would like to bring you closer to the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, my children, today I call you to prayer addressed to my dear Son Jesus, that all your hearts may be his” (25 October 1988). “Do not let the light of the world seduce you. Open yourselves to the light of Divine Love, to the Love of my Son. Decide for him; he is Love and he is Truth” (2 May 2016). “Today I call upon you, dear children, because you have turned away from Jesus—because you have put him in the background and overlooked him. Therefore, I call upon you to decide for him and to put Jesus first in your life” (24 April 2017). “I wish to renew you and lead you with my heart to the Heart of Jesus, who still suffers for you and calls you to conversion” (25 October 1996). “Only if you draw close to Jesus will you understand the immeasurable love he has for each of you” (25 February 1998). “I call you to allow your hearts to be inflamed ever more ardently with love for the Crucified, and do not forget that he gave his life out of love for you, so that you might be saved” (25 September 2007).
13. Mary intercedes, but it is Christ who gives the strength. Therefore, her whole maternal work consists in motivating us to turn to Christ:
“He will give you strength and joy in this time. I am close to you with my intercession” (25 November 1993). “My hands offer you my Son, who is the source of pure water. He will revive your faith and purify your hearts” (2 October 2014). “Open your hearts and surrender your lives to Jesus, so that he may work through your hearts and strengthen you in faith” (23 May 1985).
Mary speaks humbly about her own words in comparison with the Eternal Word, whose words of life are effective in transforming us: “Dear children, I speak to you as Mother, with simple words [...]. My Son, on the other hand, who comes from the Eternal Present, he speaks to you with words of life and sows love in hearts that are open” (2 October 2017).
Sources: Vatican.va and Vatican News
“The Queen of Peace”:
Note About the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje
1. The time has come to conclude a long and complex history that has surrounded the spiritual phenomena of Medjugorje. It is a history in which bishops, theologians, commissions, and analysts have expressed a series of divergent opinions.
The conclusions expressed in this Note are presented in the context of what was established in the new Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena (Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, 17 May 2024; henceforth, “Norms”). Consequently, the perspective of this analysis is quite different from that which was used in earlier studies.
It is important to clarify from the outset that the conclusions of this Note do not imply a judgment about the moral life of the alleged visionaries. Additionally, when recognizing an action of the Spirit for the good of the People of God “in the midst of” a spiritual experience, present from its beginnings until now, we should remember that the charismatic gifts (gratiae gratis datae) that may be connected to that experience do not necessarily require those involved to have moral perfection.
2. Although we find many positive elements that help to heed the call of the Gospel when we consider the overall set of messages tied to this spiritual experience, some people believe that certain messages contain contradictions or are connected with the desires or interests of the alleged visionaries or others. It cannot be ruled out that this may have happened in the case of a few messages. This reminds us that the Norms of this Dicastery state that such phenomena “at times appear connected to confused human experiences, theologically inaccurate expressions, or interests that are not entirely legitimate” (Norms, par. 14). This does not exclude the possibility of “some error of a natural order […] not due to bad intentions, but to the subjective perception of the phenomenon” (ibid., art. 15, 2°). As an example of this imprecise and ultimately theologically incorrect mystical language, among the messages connected to Medjugorje (cf. Raccolta completa dei messaggi della Regina della Pace. «Vi supplico: convertitevi!» [Camerata Picena, Italy, 2024]; in some cases, the translation was improved by comparing it with the original texts), we can mention the isolated expression, “my Son, one and triune, loves you” (2 November 2017). It is not unusual for mystical texts that intend to express the presence of the whole Trinity in the mystery of the Incarnate Word to use an unsuitable expression such as this. In this case, the text should be understood to say that in the Son made man, the love of the Triune God is manifested (cf. Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “‘Trinity Mercy’: Letter to the Bishop of Como on the Spiritual Experience Connected with the Sanctuary of Maccio (Villa Guardia)”, 15 July 2024). In addition, the reader should be aware that whenever this Note refers to “messages” from Our Lady, it always intends this to mean “alleged messages.”
To discern events related to Medjugorje, we are fundamentally considering the existence of clearly verified fruits, together with an analysis of the alleged Marian messages.
The Fruits
3. An immediate effect surrounding the phenomena associated with Medjugorje has been the large and growing number of devotees worldwide, together with the many people who make a pilgrimage there from the most varied places.
The positive fruits are most evident in the promotion of a healthy practice of a life of faith, in accordance with the tradition of the Church. In the context of Medjugorje, this applies both to those who had been previously distant from the faith as well as to those who had practiced the faith only superficially. The uniqueness of the place lies in the large number of such fruits: abundant conversions, a frequent return to the sacraments (particularly, the Eucharist and Reconciliation), many vocations to priestly, religious, and married life, a deepening of the life of faith, a more intense practice of prayer, many reconciliations between spouses, and the renewal of marriage and family life. It should be noted that such experiences occur above all in the context of pilgrimages to the places associated with the original events rather than in meetings with the “visionaries” to be present for the alleged apparitions.
4. The intense daily pastoral work in the parish of Medjugorje has increased due to the “Medjugorje phenomenon”. In that parish, we can observe the daily recitation of various parts of the Rosary, the celebration of the Holy Mass (with many liturgies, also on weekdays), adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and numerous confessions. Outside the parish church there are two Stations of the Cross, a large hall for catechesis, and a small chapel for adoration. In addition to the regular sacramental and spiritual life, Medjugorje also hosts various ordinary pastoral activities, such as annual seminars of different kinds, a Youth Festival, and spiritual retreats held for priests, married couples, pilgrimage organizers, peace center directors, and prayer group leaders.
Moreover, for decades, the parish of Medjugorje has continued to be a major pilgrimage destination. Unlike other sites linked to apparitions, people seem to visit Medjugorje mainly to renew their faith rather than to seek help with specific requests. Notably, groups of Orthodox Christians and Muslims also visit the shrine.
5. Many people have discovered their vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life in the context of the “Medjugorje phenomenon.” The stories of these people are quite different, yet they converge in the same spiritual experience of feeling called to follow Jesus in this way. Some individuals went to Medjugorje to discover God’s will in their lives, others went just out of curiosity, and still others went with no faith at all. Several people reported receiving the grace of a vocation, with a strong desire to give themselves entirely to God while they were on the mountain where the alleged apparitions occurred; others experienced this call while they were in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
For many people, life changed after they accepted the spirituality of Medjugorje (messages, prayer, fasting, adoration, Holy Mass, confession, etc.) in their daily lives, leading them to pursue a call to the priesthood or religious life. Some feel they received in Medjugorje the decisive confirmation of a vocation that had been maturing already for a long time. There are also many cases where individuals discovered a particular vocation that, while occurring outside Medjugorje itself, nevertheless took place within groups inspired by its spirituality or by reading books related to this experience.
Moreover, there is no shortage of genuine conversions of people who had been far from God and the Church and who moved from a life marked by sin to adopt radical existential changes oriented toward the Gospel. Numerous healings have also been reported in connection with Medjugorje.
So many others have discovered the beauty of being Christians through Medjugorje. For many, it became a place chosen by God to renew their faith; thus, some experience it as a new starting point for their spiritual journey. In many cases, people were able to overcome a spiritual crisis thanks to Medjugorje. Others report a desire awakened in the context of Medjugorje to give themselves deeply to the service of God in obedience to the Church, or to give themselves with greater commitment to the life of faith in their home parish. Meanwhile, in many nations worldwide, a great number of Marian devotional and prayer groups have emerged that are inspired by the spiritual experience of Medjugorje. Works of charity have also arisen in connection with various communities and associations, particularly those that care for orphans, drug addicts, alcoholics, children facing various difficulties, and people with disabilities.
Particularly notable is the presence of many young people, young couples, and adults who rediscover the Christian faith in Medjugorje through Our Lady, with an experience that directs them to Christ in the Church. A witness to the strong presence of young people in Medjugorje is the annual Youth Festival.
Beyond these particular fruits, Medjugorje is perceived as a space of great peace, recollection, and a piety that is sincere, deep, and easily shared.
In conclusion, the positive fruits linked to this spiritual experience are evident and, over time, they have become distinct from the experience of the alleged visionaries, who are no longer seen as the central mediators of the “Medjugorje phenomenon.” In the midst of this phenomenon, the Holy Spirit is carrying out many beautiful and positive things.
Central Aspects of the Messages
The Queen of Peace
6. While the Gospa [i.e., Lady] most frequently ascribes to herself the name “Mother”, according to various expressions (Mother of the Church, of God, of the righteous, of the saints, etc.), the most original title in the messages is that of “Queen of Peace” (cf. Message of 16 June 1983). This title offers a vision that is theocentric and very rich in the true meaning of peace. According to this understanding, peace signifies not only the absence of war; it also has a spiritual, family, and social meaning. Indeed, this peace is achieved primarily through prayer, but it is also spread through missionary efforts. One of the prevailing characteristics of the spirituality that emerges from the messages is that of trust in God through a total trust in Mary, in order to become instruments of peace in the world. The messages about this theme are quite numerous, some of which we will quote here:
“Dear children, I came to you and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace because my Son sent me. I desire, dear children, to help you: to help you so that peace may come” (10 August 2012).
“Peace. Peace. Peace! Be reconciled! Be reconciled with God and among yourselves” (26 June 1981).
“Dear children, without prayer, there is no peace. Therefore, I urge you, dear children, to pray at the foot of the Cross for peace” (6 September 1984).
“I call upon you all to pray responsibly for peace. Pray, dear children, for peace to reign in the world, for peace to reign in the hearts of men and in the hearts of my children. Therefore, be my bearers of peace in this restless world. Be my living sign: a sign of peace” (5 August 2013).
“Dear children, I call upon all of you who have heard my message of peace to implement it in your lives with seriousness and with love. There are many who think they are doing a lot by talking about the messages, but they do not live them. Dear children, I call you to life and to change all that is negative in you, so that everything may become positive and life-giving” (25 May 1991).
“You err when you look to the future, thinking only of wars, punishments, and evil. If you always think of evil, you are already putting yourself on the road to meet it. For the Christian, there is only one attitude toward the future: the hope of salvation. Your task is to accept God’s peace, to live it, and to spread it” (10 June 1982).
“Today’s world lives amid high tensions and walks on the brink of a catastrophe. It can only be saved if it finds peace. But it can only have peace by returning to God” (15 February 1983).
“I have presented myself here as the Queen of Peace to tell everyone that peace is necessary for the salvation of the world. Only in God can you find true joy, which is the source of true peace. Therefore, I ask for conversion” (16 June 1983).
“Carry peace in your hearts. Nurture it like a flower that needs water, tenderness, and light” (25 February 2003).
The Peace That Flows from Love
7. This peace is not an end in itself, nor does it express the highest Christian value. Rather, it is the fruit of love that is lived, which is the greatest and most beautiful virtue. It is the love that surrenders itself to God’s love and expresses itself in the fraternal love that avoids quarrels, does not judge, and forgives:
“Love one another. Be brothers and sisters to one another and avoid all quarrels” (25 December 1981). “Dear children, also today I want to call upon you to forgive. Forgive, my children! Forgive others, forgive yourselves” (13 March 2010). “Dear children, this is the time of thanksgiving. Today, from you, I seek love. Do not look for mistakes and errors in others, and do not judge them” (4 May 2020).
This love, which enables us to bring peace to the world, also implies a love for those who are not Catholic. Indeed, this is not to propose syncretism or to say that “all religions are equal before God.” Yet still, all people are loved. This is a point best understood in the ecumenical and interreligious context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has been marked by a terrible war with strong religious components:
“On earth, you are divided, but you are all my children. Muslims, Orthodox, Catholics, all of you are equal before my Son and me. You are all my children. This does not mean that all religions are equal before God, but people are. It is not enough, however, to belong to the Catholic Church to be saved: one must respect God’s will [...]. To whom little has been given, little will be asked” (20 May 1982). “You are not true Christians if you do not respect your brothers and sisters who belong to other religions” (21 February 1983). However, there is also a reminder of the need to “preserve the Catholic faith at all costs, for you and for your children” (19 February 1984).
The King of Peace
8. The title “Queen of Peace” corresponds to the title “King of Peace”, which is attributed to Jesus:
“I call on you, dear children, so that your life may be united with him. Jesus is the King of Peace, and only he can give you the peace that you seek. I am with you, and I present you to Jesus” (25 December 1995). “In my hands, I have little Jesus, the King of Peace” (25 December 2002). “With great joy, I bring you the King of Peace, that he may bless you with his blessing” (25 December 2007).
Only God
9. The messages offer a strongly theocentric view of the spiritual life and frequently call upon us to make a trusting surrender to God, who is love:
“Dear children, today I call upon you to surrender entirely to God. Give everything you do and everything you possess over to God so that he may reign in your life as King of everything. Do not be afraid!” (25 July 1988).
“Dear children, today I call upon you to live the following words this week: ‘I love God!’ Dear children, with love, you will achieve everything, even what you consider to be impossible” (28 February 1985).
“Dear children, I call upon you to a total surrender to God. Let everything you possess be in the hands of God. Only in this way will you have joy in your hearts. My children, rejoice in all that you have. Give thanks to God because everything is God’s gift to you. Thus, you will be able in life to give thanks for everything and discover God in everything, even in the smallest flower” (25 April 1989).
10. In light of everything above, we can see a nucleus of messages in which Our Lady does not place herself at the center but shows herself to be fully directed toward our union with God:
“Behold, for this I am with you: to teach you and bring you closer to the Love of God” (25 May 1999).
“I call you first to love God, the Creator of your life; then you will recognize and love God in everyone” (25 November 1992).
“I am with you and intercede before God for each of you so that your hearts may be opened to God and God’s love” (25 March 2000).
“I call upon you all to grow in God’s love, like a flower that feels the warm rays of spring” (25 April 2008).
“Do not waver in your faith and do not ask ‘why’, thinking that you are alone and abandoned. Instead, open your hearts, pray, and believe firmly. Then your hearts will feel God’s closeness and that God never abandons you—that he is always beside you” (25 December 2019).
11. For this reason, Mary invites the listener to encounter God, who is always present in daily life:
“You seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning sunrise, God calls upon you to convert and return to the path of truth and salvation” (25 September 1998). “May the wheat fields speak to you of God’s mercy toward every creature” (25 August 1999). “God wants to save you, and so he sends you messages through people, through nature, and through many other things that can help you understand that you must change the direction of your life” (25 March 1990).
12. The intercession and work of Mary are shown to be clearly subordinate to Jesus Christ, the author of grace and salvation for every person:
“In a special way, my children, I would like to bring you closer to the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, my children, today I call you to prayer addressed to my dear Son Jesus, that all your hearts may be his” (25 October 1988). “Do not let the light of the world seduce you. Open yourselves to the light of Divine Love, to the Love of my Son. Decide for him; he is Love and he is Truth” (2 May 2016). “Today I call upon you, dear children, because you have turned away from Jesus—because you have put him in the background and overlooked him. Therefore, I call upon you to decide for him and to put Jesus first in your life” (24 April 2017). “I wish to renew you and lead you with my heart to the Heart of Jesus, who still suffers for you and calls you to conversion” (25 October 1996). “Only if you draw close to Jesus will you understand the immeasurable love he has for each of you” (25 February 1998). “I call you to allow your hearts to be inflamed ever more ardently with love for the Crucified, and do not forget that he gave his life out of love for you, so that you might be saved” (25 September 2007).
13. Mary intercedes, but it is Christ who gives the strength. Therefore, her whole maternal work consists in motivating us to turn to Christ:
“He will give you strength and joy in this time. I am close to you with my intercession” (25 November 1993). “My hands offer you my Son, who is the source of pure water. He will revive your faith and purify your hearts” (2 October 2014). “Open your hearts and surrender your lives to Jesus, so that he may work through your hearts and strengthen you in faith” (23 May 1985).
Mary speaks humbly about her own words in comparison with the Eternal Word, whose words of life are effective in transforming us: “Dear children, I speak to you as Mother, with simple words [...]. My Son, on the other hand, who comes from the Eternal Present, he speaks to you with words of life and sows love in hearts that are open” (2 October 2017).
Sources: Vatican.va and Vatican News