US Bishops' Chairman Praises Pregnancy Help Centers "providing life-saving help to the most vulnerable group in our society: pregnant women in need."

Pregnancy Help Centers Ensure That No Woman is Left Alone in Her Own Hour of Need
Across the U.S., approximately 2,750 pregnancy help centers offer life-affirming support to pregnant and parenting women in need.
November 8, 2024
WASHINGTON - Across the United States, approximately 2,750 pregnancy help centers offer life-affirming support to pregnant and parenting women in need. In recognition of their contribution to the common good, and in observance of Pregnancy Help Appreciation Week, November 11-15, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued the following statement:
“During Pregnancy Help Appreciation Week, we celebrate the thousands of pregnancy care centers providing life-saving help to the most vulnerable group in our society: pregnant women in need. As Advent approaches, we remember the Blessed Virgin Mary who in her hour of need found no room at the inn.
“Our country’s network of pregnancy care centers and maternity homes work to ensure that no woman is left alone in her own hour of need. These centers provide a spectrum of resources including baby clothes and diapers, childcare and career services, referrals to homes where pregnant and parenting moms can live for free, and many other forms of housing, food, and financial assistance. Many pregnancy care centers also provide some medical services, including ultrasounds, prenatal and postnatal care, and referrals to hospitals for free or low-cost childbirth. Their loving service and profound accompaniment continues far beyond the birth of the child, with mothers reporting that their pregnancy care center ‘never let them go.’ We commend pregnancy help centers for their faithful love of Christ in serving vulnerable mothers.”
USCCB Release