TOP 25 Catholic Quotes of the New Year to Inspire Your Daily Life and Guide You to Begin Again for God!

Here is a list of some of the TOP 25 Saint Quotes of the New Year to Inspire Your Daily Life and Guide You to Begin Again for God! God loves you - so every day of the year, we can begin again for him.
1. “Let us begin again, for until now we have done nothing.” by Saint Francis
2. "To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." St. Paul to the Ephesians 4:22-24 - Bible.
3. “Begin now to be what you will be hereafter.” by Saint Jerome
4. “With God, every moment is the moment of beginning again.” Servant of God Catherine Doherty
5. “Everyday I say to myself, today I will begin.” by Saint Anthony of the Desert
6. “The saints did not all begin well, but they all ended well.” by Saint John Vianney
7. “It is right that you should begin again every day. There is no better way to complete the spiritual life than to be ever beginning it over again.” by Saint Francis de Sales
8. “Begin now … Believe me, don’t wait until tomorrow to begin becoming a saint.” by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
9. “Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.” by Saint Teresa of Avila
10. "Do not let the past disturb you—just leave everything in the Sacred Heart, and begin again with joy.” by Saint Teresa of Calcutta
11. “Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.” by Saint Augustine
12. “Do not look back to the past, nor forward to the future. Claim only the present, for it holds God’s will.” by Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
13. “When you have nothing left but God, you have more than enough to start over again.” by Saint Teresa of Calcutta
14. “Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing. He did not consider that he had already attained his goal, but tireless in pursuit of holy newness, he constantly hoped to begin again.” by Saint Francis of Assisi
15. “Whenever you begin any good work you should first of all make a most pressing appeal to Christ our Lord to bring it to perfection.” by Saint Benedict of Nursia
16. “To have courage for whatever comes in life, everything lies in that.” by Saint Teresa of Avila
17. “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” by Saint Francis of Assisi
18. “Without love, deeds even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
19. “Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them—every day begin the task anew.” by Saint Francis de Sales
20. “Don’t despair over your shortcomings. Start over each day. You make spiritual progress by beginning again and again.” by Saint Francis de Sales
21. “When tempted, invoke your Angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him: He trembles and flees at the sight of your Guardian Angel.” by Saint John Bosco
22. “If you should fail, be humble, make a resolution to be submissive to God’s will and then get up, and carry on.” by Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
23. “I will go to Confession and receive Communion every eight days as I have done for many years. These sacraments are the channels that God has established to communicate to me his graces and his light. Therefore my perseverance depends upon the faithful practice of them. When I approach these sacraments, I will ask insistently of my Lord the help I need to fulfill the obligations of my state of life.” by Venerable Bruno Lanteri
24. "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." St. Paul to the Romans 8:18 in the Bible
25. "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." St Paul to the Ephesians 4:29