Pope Francis says "Jesus is salvation, Jesus is light" and "welcome the gift of life and in encouraging young couples not to be afraid of bringing children into the world." FULL TEXT

Saint Peter's Square
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the liturgy (Lk 2:22-40) tells us about Mary and Joseph who take the infant Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem. In accordance with the Law, they present Him in God’s dwelling, to recall that life comes from the Lord. And while the Holy Family carries out what was always done among the people of Israel, from generation to generation, something happens that had never occurred before.

Two elders, Simeon and Anna, prophesy about Jesus: they both praise God and talk about the child “to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem” (v. 38). Their heartfelt voices resound among the ancient stones of the Temple, announcing the fulfilment of Israel’s expectations. Truly God is present in the midst of His people: not because He dwells within the four walls, but because He lives as a man among men. And this is the novelty of Jesus. In Simeon and Anna’s old age, the novelty takes place that changes the history of the world.

For their part, Mary and Joseph were amazed at what they heard (cf. v. 33). Indeed, when Simeon holds the child in his arms, he calls him in three beautiful ways, which are worthy of reflection. Three ways, three names that he gives Him. Jesus is salvation, Jesus is light; Jesus is a sign of contradiction.

First of all, Jesus is salvation. Simeon says, praying to God, “my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples” (vv. 30-31). This always leaves us astounded: universal salvation concentrated in just one! Yes, because in Jesus dwells the fullness of God, of His Love (cf. Col 2:9).

Second aspect: Jesus is “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (v. 32). Like the sun that rises over the world, this child will redeem it from the darkness of evil, pain and death. How much we need light, this light, even today!

Finally, the child embraced by Simeon is a sign of contradiction, “so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (v. 35). Jesus reveals the criterion for judging the whole of history and its drama, and also the life of each one of us. And what is this criterion? It is love: those who love, live; those who hate, die.

Jesus is salvation, Jesus is light, and Jesus is the sign of contradiction.

Enlightened by this encounter with Jesus, we can then ask ourselves: what do I expect in my life? What is my great hope? Does my heart wish to see the face of the Lord? Do I await the manifestation of His plan of salvation for humanity?

Let us pray together to Mary, mother most pure, that she may accompany us through the lights and shadows of history, that she may always accompany us to the encounter with the Lord.


After the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters!

Today in Italy we celebrate the Day for Life, on the theme “Transmitting life, hope for the world”. I join with the Italian bishops in expressing gratitude to the many families who eagerly welcome the gift of life and in encouraging young couples not to be afraid of bringing children into the world. And I greet the Italian Movement for Life, which is fifty years old. Best wishes!

Tomorrow in the Vatican the international Summit on children’s rights will be held, entitled “Love them and protect them”, which I have had the joy of promoting and in which I will take part. It is a unique opportunity to bring the most pressing questions regarding the life of the little ones to the centre of the world’s attention. I invite you to join in prayer for its success.

And with regard to the primary value of human life, I reiterate a “no” to war, which destroys; it destroys everything, it destroys life and induces us to disregard it. And let us not forget that war is always a defeat. In this Jubilee year, I renew my appeal, especially to Christian governors, to do their utmost in the negotiations to bring all the ongoing conflicts to an end. Let us pray for peace in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan and North Kivu.

I greet you all, from Italy and other parts of the world. I greet in particular the faithful of Valencia, Barcelona, and Seville; the students of the “Rodríguez Moñino” of Badajoz, Spain, and those of the “École de Provence” of Marseille; the parish group from Nanterre and those from Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and India. I greet the young people of the Immacolata.

I greet the faithful of Vighizzolo, Seregno and Cologno Monzese, UNITALSI of the diocese of Camerinio-San Severino Marche, the Scouts from Nola, and the members of the Serra Club International. I greet the ministrants of the “Regina degli Apostoli” pastoral community of the diocese of Milan.

I wish you all a good Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, and arrivederci!
Source: Vatican Bulletin with File photo screenshot
