Bishop Bradley's Statement on Passing of Prop 3 in Michigan " In spite of this lamentable situation, we must not lose hope. Instead, we must continue our defense of the unborn..." FULL TEXT

DIOCESE OF KALAMAZOO Bishop Bradley releases statement on passing of Prop 3 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 

November 8, 2022 (Kalamazoo, Mich.): 

The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley has released the following announcement after yesterday’s passing of Prop 3: “Today I join with my brother Bishops from around the State of Michigan as we have received the news of the passing of the extreme ‘Proposal 3’ with great sadness and disappointment. The Michigan State Constitution has been amended to now allow for unrestricted abortions, a violation of parental rights, and the availability of numerous inappropriate reproductive procedures. In spite of this lamentable situation, we must not lose hope. Instead, we must continue our defense of the unborn; we must continue to work tirelessly to support pregnant women, new mothers, and families in need; and we must advocate for a respect for life from conception to natural death, and at every point along the life spectrum. 

We must especially support legislation that protects those most vulnerable and pray fervently for a change of heart in our State, so that we can soon regain our reputation as a State that holds each person as precious and worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, no matter how vulnerable or at what stage of their existence they may be. 

I am forever grateful to all who worked tirelessly and prayed unceasingly to defeat this Proposal, with a promise that we will do all that we can to repeal it as soon as possible. May our Loving and Merciful God forgive our sins and guide us to live our lives in His ways.”

