#BreakingNews Hundreds of Thousands at MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington - USA with President Trump - Video

Hundreds of THOUSANDS attended the MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington, DC on January 24, 2020.The great crowds marked the 47th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade the decision in 1973 that permitted abortion. President Trump gave a speech. - (See Time-Lapse Video at bottom of this post)
Even POPE FRANCIS sent a message with the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, at the Vigil Mass: “The Holy Father is close to you, and believes in you, and with his spirit he marches with you."
(The video below is from the US Bishops' CNS of the 2020 March for Life)
The First Lady of Louisiana Donna Hutto Edwards and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) spoke at the March for Life Rally. First Lady of Louisiana Donna Hutto Edwards has been a strong supporter of the pro-life movement and, despite being advised to abort, chose life for her daughter after she was diagnosed with spina bifida in the womb. Rep. Scalise has been a staunch advocate for the sanctity of life in Congress, especially through his work on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The theme for this year’s March for Life was Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman.
Additional speakers at the March for Life Rally included:
- Jim Daly – President, Focus on the Family
- Marjorie Dannenfelser – President, Susan B. Anthony List
- Elisa Martinez – Founder, New Mexico Alliance for Life
- David Platt – Pastor, McLean Bible Church
- His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia
- State Senator Katrina Jackson (D-LA)
- Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ)
- Melissa Ohden, survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion
- Claire Culwell, survivor of a failed surgical abortion
There was an overnight prayer vigil in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception with thousands in attendance. Cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons, and seminarians were present at the Mass in the Basilica. This annual March has become a large event spanning many days and involving talks, demonstrations, prayer, videos and other activities. Many politicians, clergy, religious, youth and leaders partake every year. This year the President Donald Trump gave a speech at the March, with Martin Luther King's niece Dr. Alveda King beside him. Two years ago over 800,000 attended. This year noted a particularly strong youth presence.
President Trump -