Pax Christi Posts New Report that Finds Flaws in Israel's Actions “the entire Palestinian population in North Gaza is at imminent risk of dying from disease, famine and violence.”

Pax Christi, a major Catholic organization, released a scorecard on Israel's actions in Gaza, that was compiled by eight key aid organizations. On October 13, the U.S. Secretaries of State and Defence issued a letter to Israel demanding progress within 30 days on concrete measures to reverse the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Gaza. In a United Nations Security Council vote for a ceasefire in Gaza (and release of hostages), on November 20th, the United States was the only country (among 14 others) that vetoed (voted against) the motion. On Oct. 24th, Pax Christi along with 150 NGOs also released a statement calling for a ceasefire. SEE - Open Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel and End to Impunity amida Spiralling Humanitarian Catastrophe and Escalating Regional Conflict As of 20 November 2024, over 43,985 Palestinians (with over half of this number being women and children) have been reported killed in the Israel–Gaza war, including 134–146 journalists and media workers, 120 academics, and over 224 humanitarian aid workers.
On the deadline for compliance, Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Anera, Care International, MedGlobal, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, Refugees International, and Save the Children have released a scorecard assessing progress against these measures over the past 30 days, concluding that Israel has failed to comply with its ally’s demands – at enormous human cost for Palestinian civilians in Gaza.The Inter-Agency Standing Committee now assess that “the entire Palestinian population in North Gaza is at imminent risk of dying from disease, famine and violence.” The facts are clear: the humanitarian situation in Gaza is now at its worst point since the war began in October 2023. We are calling on the U.S. government to make an immediate determination that Israel is in violation of its assurances under National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM-20) and Section 620i of the Foreign Assistance Act.
The report also finds that Israel concurrently took actions that dramatically worsened the situation on the ground, particularly in Northern Gaza. Its failure to comply with U.S. law, underscores its failure to meet its obligations under international humanitarian law as well. The US Government and the broader International Community need to hold Israel accountable for these violations.
Last month, Pax Christi International and some of its sections signed a statement calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel and an end to impunity.Executive Summary Despite intensive diplomatic engagement by the United States and other countries, Israel has consistently failed to uphold its legal obligation to facilitate adequate humanitarian relief for civilians in Gaza during its ongoing military operation there. People are being starved in Gaza: Israeli military operations have denied them critical food aid and basic necessities, which has, in turn,caused conditions approaching famine for 800,000 Palestinian civilians across Gaza. Conditions are worst in Gaza’s north, where Israel launched a major operation in October that has cut off humanitarian aid to the area. On October 13, 2024, the U.S. Secretaries of State and Defense issued a letter demanding that Israel make concrete progress within 30 days on measures to reverse the spiraling humanitarian situation. These demands align with U.S. legal requirements under Section 620i of the Foreign Assistance Act, which requires that the President halt security assistance to any foreign government that restricts U.S. humanitarian aid. These are legislative requirements that will outlast specific Biden administration policies or initiatives, like the October 13 letter, and will apply to the incoming administration under President elect Trump. These requirements are also germane to other countries’ engagement with the Israeli government: these concrete metrics, demonstrating its failure to comply with U.S. law, underscores its failure to meet its obligations under international humanitarian law as well.
This scorecard provides an independent assessment of Israel’s compliance with those concrete metrics, and by extension its compliance with U.S. and international law. The humanitarian community urges the U.S. government and other governments to hold Israel accountable for its legal obligations, emphasizing that non-compliance should have significant consequences for bilateral security relationships, including suspending the transfer of lethal arms. As this report makes clear, Israel is violating its legal obligations with impunity, at enormous human cost for Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Main Findings
Israel’s actions failed to meet any of the specific criteria set out in the U.S. letter. Israel not only failed to meet the U.S. criteria that would indicate support to the humanitarian response, but concurrently took actions that dramatically worsened the situation on the ground, particularly in Northern Gaza. That situation is in an even more dire state today than a month ago. The principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee now assess that “the entire Palestinian population in North Gaza is at imminent risk of dying from disease, famine and violence.” The findings of this scorecard underscore Israel’s failure to comply with U.S. demands and international obligations. Israel should be held accountable for the end result of failing to ensure the adequate provision of food, medical, and other supplies to reach people in need.
This scorecard measures Israel’s compliance with the humanitarian measures explicitly outlined in the U.S. Secretaries’ letter dated October 13, 2024. The findings are based on the observations and experience of humanitarian organizations on the ground and on available public data and secondary sources. The evaluation provides an independent, objective, and transparent analysis of Israel’s actions—or lack thereof—on improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza within the specified 30-day deadline. It highlights the direct consequences of Israel’s non-compliance on civilian lives and welfare.
The humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated to its worst point since the war began in October 2023. The ongoing Israeli blockade and intensive military actions have led to widespread destruction of infrastructure, severe shortages of food, water, and medical supplies, and the displacement of nearly 2 million people. Hospitals are overwhelmed, operating under dire conditions with the healthcare system on the brink of collapse due to resource depletion and continuous, targeted attacks. The obstruction of aid and commercial entry by Israel has directly resulted in increased mortality rates and unnecessary suffering among the civilian population.
Israel’s consistent failure to address urgent humanitarian needs raises serious questions about its adherence to international humanitarian law and its obligations as an occupying power. Israel’s refusal to ensure unimpeded access for humanitarian aid, protect civilian infrastructure, and facilitate essential services has had a devastating impact on Gaza’s civilian population.