A priest prevented a man from taking the consecrated Host without consuming it. This happened in the sanctuary of Santa Lucía in the Diocese of Santa Rosa de Copan, in Honduras, on Dec. 13 (the feast day of Saint Lucy).
The P. Nery Adalberto Gómez Perez, parish priest of San Marcos the Evangelist in Ocotepeque, was the celebrant, having been invited to the shrine. Waiting for his turn, a man placed himself before the priest, who uttered the words "the body of Christ" without getting a response from the man. With the consecrated host sticking out of his mouth, the man turned around to return to his place in the pews of the church, but the priest immediately noticed the situation. First he pointed at him with his hand, but then he was forced to approach the man at his seat to demand that he return the sacred host. The priest retrieved the Eucharist and returned to the sanctuary.
(SEE VIDEO on Facebook at the 1:06:18 Mark)
After reserving the sanctified Eucharist, the priest continued the Holy Mass without major disruptions.