December Saints - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of December - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!

December Saints - A List of Saints for the month of December - which is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.Click each link to find out more about these Holy heroes of the Faith!Did You Know the Month of December is Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary? (Click to learn more)
Saint December 1 : Saintly Charles de Foucauld who Converted from a Selfish Life to the Life of a Hermit in the Desert
Saint December 1 : St. Edmund Campion an English Jesuit Martyr who went Barefoot as a Pilgrim to Rome
Saint December 2 : St. Bibiana the Patron of Hangovers, Headaches, Mental illness, Torture Victims - With Prayer
Saint December 3 : St. Francis Xavier a Jesuit Priest Missionary and Patron of Missionaries; Precious Blood; Navigators; Missions; Plague
Saint December 4 : St. John Damascene a Doctor of the Church

Saint of December 4 : St. Barbara who was Shut in a Tower by her Father and the Patron of #Mathematicians, Miners, Military #Engineers, #Lightning, Sudden Death

Saint December 5 : St. Sabbas who Entered a Monastery at Age 8 and became a Hermit - a Founder of Eastern Monasticism

Saint December 5 : Blessed Niels Stensen, a Convert who was a Famous Scientist and Became a Bishop Devoted to the Eucharist

Saint December 7 : St. Ambrose Bishop and Doctor of the Church who Baptized St. Augustine and the Patron of Candle makers, Pets, Students

Saint December 9 : St. Juan Diego the Witness of the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico

Saint December 10 : Our Lady of Loreto - Remembering the Home of Mary's Birth and where the Incarnation occurred

Saint December 11 : St. Eulalia of MĂ©rida a Virgin and Martyr of Spain - Legend says a Dove Flew out of her Mouth as she Died

Saint December 12 : Our Lady of Guadalupe the Patroness of Americas and Unborn - : #Guadalupe Miracle Image which appeared on a Tilma

Saint December 13 : St. Lucy : Patron of Blind; Martyrs; Epidemics; Salesmen, Throat infections

Saint December 15 : St. Mary di Rosa the Foundress of the Handmaids of Charity who Ministered to Wounded on Battlefields

Saint December 18 : St. Winebald a Benedictine Abbot and Missionary who Died in 761

Saint December 19 : Blessed Urban V : Pope who Died in 1370 in Avignon, France

Saint December 21 : Saint Peter Canisius, a Jesuit and the Patron of Catholic Press and Germany - #Deutschland

Saint December 23 : St. John of Kanty of Poland who Distributed to the Poor all the Money and Clothes he had, Retaining only what was Absolutely Necessary
