How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence in the Jubilee Year 2025 - 3 Ways as Explained by the Vatican's Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary

The Vatican's Bishop Krzysztof Józef Nykiel explains that "An indulgence is the tangible manifestation of God's mercy, which transcends and transforms the limits of human justice."
Speaking to Vatican Media, the Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary related that we learn of its significance by studying the lives of the saints, adding that "Looking at their example, we see that God's grace can transform even the greatest weaknesses. It gives us hope for the forgiveness of our sins and support in following the path to holiness.”
“An indulgence frees the heart from the burden of sin so that the redress can be made in full freedom," he says.
Conditions for obtaining an indulgenceHe recalls that "to receive plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year 2025, the faithful must observe specific conditions set by the Church: sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, confession of faith, prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff, works of mercy, pilgrimage
The Decree on the Granting of the Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025, called by Pope Francis, emphasizes the opportunity for Christians to rediscover hope and God's mercy amid global struggles. The Holy Father highlights that indulgence is a gift of grace, closely tied to the boundless mercy of God, and serves as a means of spiritual renewal during the Jubilee Year.
1. The indulgence can be obtained by the faithful through specific acts of devotion, including:
Pilgrimages: Participants can visit sacred Jubilee sites, including in Rome, the Holy Land, and other designated places worldwide. Pilgrims should engage in acts of worship like attending Holy Mass, participating in the Via Crucis, or reciting the Rosary.
2. Pious Visits to Sacred Places: Faithful can visit any Jubilee site, engage in Eucharistic adoration, and conclude with prayers like the Our Father and the Profession of Faith. Special recommendations include specific churches in Rome and worldwide.
3. Works of Mercy and Penance: The faithful can perform corporal and spiritual works of mercy, such as visiting the sick and prisoners, feeding the hungry, and supporting the needy. Acts of penance, like fasting or dedicating time to community service, are encouraged.
The indulgence also applies to those who cannot attend celebrations due to illness or confinement, who can unite spiritually by praying from their locations. Additionally, bishops and priests will be encouraged to provide access to confession, ensuring the faithful have opportunities for spiritual renewal.
This Jubilee indulgence is a call to be signs of hope and mercy, exemplifying Christ's love and serving the community with compassion.
HOW CAN EVERY FAITHFUL RECEIVE THE DAILY PLENARY INDULGENCE DURING THE JUBILEE OF THE YEAR 2025?The Decree on the Granting of the Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025, called by Pope Francis, emphasizes the opportunity for Christians to rediscover hope and God's mercy amid global struggles. The Holy Father highlights that indulgence is a gift of grace, closely tied to the boundless mercy of God, and serves as a means of spiritual renewal during the Jubilee Year.
1. The indulgence can be obtained by the faithful through specific acts of devotion, including:
Pilgrimages: Participants can visit sacred Jubilee sites, including in Rome, the Holy Land, and other designated places worldwide. Pilgrims should engage in acts of worship like attending Holy Mass, participating in the Via Crucis, or reciting the Rosary.
2. Pious Visits to Sacred Places: Faithful can visit any Jubilee site, engage in Eucharistic adoration, and conclude with prayers like the Our Father and the Profession of Faith. Special recommendations include specific churches in Rome and worldwide.
3. Works of Mercy and Penance: The faithful can perform corporal and spiritual works of mercy, such as visiting the sick and prisoners, feeding the hungry, and supporting the needy. Acts of penance, like fasting or dedicating time to community service, are encouraged.
The indulgence also applies to those who cannot attend celebrations due to illness or confinement, who can unite spiritually by praying from their locations. Additionally, bishops and priests will be encouraged to provide access to confession, ensuring the faithful have opportunities for spiritual renewal.
This Jubilee indulgence is a call to be signs of hope and mercy, exemplifying Christ's love and serving the community with compassion.
The norms for granting the plenary indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, published on May 13, 2024 by the Apostolic Penitentiary, presided over by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, establish the specific acts that can lead to the acquisition of the daily plenary Indulgence throughout the Holy Year.
In addition to fulfilling the usual conditions (detachment from sin, even venial; sacramental confession; Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father), the faithful will be able to perform a series of specific acts that will allow them to receive the plenary indulgence each day of the Jubilee. These acts are listed below:
The faithful can obtain the Jubilee Indulgence if they make a pilgrimage to any holy Jubilee place. During this pilgrimage, they must actively participate in one of the following activities: Holy Mass, or Stations of the Cross, or the Recitation of the Holy Rosary or the Akathist hymn, or a Penitential Celebration, which concludes with the individual confession of the penitents.
If they are in Rome, to request the Plenary Indulgence, the faithful can make a pilgrimage to at least one of the four Major Papal Basilicas (Saint Peter’s – the Vatican Basilica, Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Basilica of Saint Mary Major and Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls).
On the special occasion of the Jubilee Year, in addition to the places of pilgrimage mentioned above, it will also be possible to visit: Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem), Basilica di San Lorenzo al Verano (The Basilica of Saint Lawrence "Outside the Walls" lies next to the Verano Cemetery), Basilica di San Sebastiano (Basilica of Saint Sebastian, stops that complete the visit known as “the seven Churches”, so dear to St. Philip Neri), il Santuario del Divino Amore (The Sanctuary of Divine Love), la chiesa di Santo Spirito in Sassia (the church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia), la chiesa di San Paolo alle Tre Fontane (Church of St. Paul of Three Fountains - site of the Martyrdom of the Apostle), the Christian Catacombs; in addition, it will be possible to visit (and carry out the pious practices provided there) the churches on the jubilee routes dedicated to the Iter Europaeum and the churches dedicated to the Patronesses of Europe and to the Doctors of the Church, respectively: Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Santa Brigida in Campo de’ Fiori, the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, the church of Trinità dei Monti, Basilica of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Basilica of Sant’Agostino in Campo Marzio).
In Italy, jubilee pilgrimages can also be made to the two minor Papal Basilicas of Assisi: Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi (Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi) and Santa Maria degli Angeli. And the papal basilicas of: Madonna di Loreto (Our Lady of Loreto) della Madonna di Pompei (Our Lady of Pompei), and Sant’Antonio di Padova (Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua).
In the land of Jesus, it will be possible to make Jubilee pilgrimages and ask for plenary indulgence by visiting at least one of the three Basilicas of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, of the Nativity in Bethlehem, of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
In other ecclesiastical circumscriptions, the faithful can obtain the jubilee indulgence if, individually or in a group, they devoutly visit any sacred place (minor basilicas, cathedral churches, Marian shrines) designated as a Jubilee place by each diocesan Bishop, as well as national or international shrines, indicated by the Episcopal Conferences. There, for an appropriate time, they must dedicate time to Eucharistic adoration and meditation, concluding with the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any of its legitimate forms and invocations to Mary, Mother of God.
Sincerely repentant faithful who, for serious reasons, cannot participate in pilgrimages and pious visits (for example, cloistered monks and nuns, the sick and those in prison) can obtain the Jubilee Indulgence under the same conditions if, united in spirit with the faithful present, especially at the moments when the words of the Supreme Pontiff or the diocesan Bishops will be disseminated through the media, they recite the Our Father, the Profession of Faith and other prayers in conformity with the purposes of the Holy Year.
In addition to making pilgrimages or pious visits to the Jubilee sites, the faithful can obtain the jubilee indulgence through:
- Participation in POPULAR MISSIONS;
- Participation in SPIRITUAL EXERCISES or FORMATION MEETINGS on the texts of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, held in a church or other suitable place.
- Performing Corporal and Spiritual WORKS OF MERCY.
- Performing PENITENTIAL ACTS, such as:
a) Rediscovering the penitential value of Fridays, by abstaining for at least one day from useless distractions (induced, for example, by the media and social networks) and from superfluous consumption (for example, by fasting or practicing abstinence according to the general norms of the Church and donating a proportionate sum of money to the poor).
b) Supporting works of a religious or social nature, especially in favor of the defense and protection of life in all its phases, of abandoned children, of young people in difficulty, of the elderly in need or alone, of migrants from various countries.
c) Dedicate an appropriate part of one's free time to voluntary activities of interest to the community or to other similar forms of personal commitment.
Despite the general rule according to which only one Plenary Indulgence can be obtained per day (cf. Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, IV ed., norm. 18, § 1), the Instruction issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary with the norms for receiving Plenary Indulgences during the Jubilee Year 2025 states that "the faithful who have performed the act of charity in favor of the souls in Purgatory, if they legitimately approach the sacrament of Communion for the second time on the same day, may obtain a Plenary Indulgence twice on the same day, applicable only to the deceased (it is understood within a Eucharistic celebration). (Agenzia Fides, 20/12/2024)