Wow After a Longer Wait the Miracle Liquefication of St. Januarius' Blood Occurs Again at the Cathedral - VIDEO San Gennaro Napoli
Following a longer than usual wait, he Miracle of the Liquefication of St. Januarius' Blood occurred again at the Cathedral in the city of Naples, Italy. On December 16th people became a little anxious and prayed all the louder in anticipation of the usual, morning time miracle. However, the blood liquefication took place at 5:40 p.m. (local time) in the Naples (Napoli) cathedral. Prayers began at 9 a.m., with the reliquary containing the blood exposed to the faithful by Father Gregorio Vincenzo. However, it remained solid form until past 5 p.m. Following the miracle, the blood of the city's patron saint was placed in the Treasury Chapel of the cathedral. This was where a Holy Mass was celebrated. The miracle involves solidified blood turning into completely liquid within a glass reliquary.
This miracle has taken place since 1389. There are three times during the year, September 19th, the feast of Saint Januarius; on December 16, the anniversary of his intervention to prevent damage from a Mount Vesuvius volcano eruption; and on the Saturday preceding the first Sunday in May. It is considered a bad omen if the blood does not liquify - which happened just before the pandemic and in 1939, just before World War II. "The miracle has happened!", the faithful sing the Te Deum in thanksgiving,.