Here is a List of Saint Stories for the month of May; Click each title to learn more about these inspiring holy heroes!
Saint May 1 : St. Joseph the Worker - Patron of Fathers , Church , Workers and Dying
Saint May 2 : St. Athanasius a Doctor of the Church and Patron of Handicapped and Orthodoxy
Saint May 3 : St. Philip Apostle and the Patron of Pastry Chefs -
Saint May 3 : St. James the Lesser Apostle - Cousin of Jesus and the Patron of Pharmacists
Saint May 4 : St. Florian the Patron of Firefighters who Refused to Persecute Christians
Saint May 4 : St. Godehard of Hildesheim the Patron of Sick Children
Saint May 5 : St. Hilary of Arles a Bishop of France who sold all he had for the Poor and Died in 449
Saint May 6 : St. Eadbert a Bishop of England who spent his time alone in abstinence, prayers, and tears
Saint May 6 : St. François de Laval the 1st Bishop of Canada who was Dedicated to Prayer and Died in 1708 in Quebec
Saint May 7 : St. John of Beverley a Holy Bishop who Died in 721 in England
Saint May 8 : Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine a Missionary and Augustinian in Canada
Saint May 9 : St. Pachomius a Bishop who Founded Communal Monasticism and Died in 348 AD
Saint May 9 : St. Louise de Marillac : Patron of Disappointing children, Rejected by Religious orders, Social workers
Saint May 10 : St. Damien of Molokai - Patron of AIDS / HIV patients and Lepers - Died 1889
Saint May 10 : St. Antonius of Florence who begged nothing of God but his Grace to avoid Sin and Patron against Fevers - Died 1459
Saint May 11 : St. Francis of Girolamo, a Priest who Walked the Streets with a Bell Inviting People to Communion
Saint May 12 : St. Pancras a Martyr and the Patron against Headaches and Cramps with Prayer
May 13 : Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament - a Short History and Novena Prayers to Our Lady
Saint May 13 : Blessed Imelda Lambertini who Died at Age 11 and Yearned for the Eucharist - Patron of 1st Communion
Saint May 14 : St. Matthias Apostle the Patron of Alcoholics and Carpenters - with Prayer
Saint May 15 : St. Isidore the Farmer - Patron of Farmers and a Miracle Worker - with Prayer
Saint May 15 St. Dymphna a Virgin and Martyr and Patron of Mental Illness and Incest with Novena Prayers and Litany to Share!
Saint May 16 St. Simon Stock a Carmelite who tried to Attain Perfect Love of God and the Patron of the Brown Scapular
Saint May 16 St. Margaret of Cortona a Franciscan and Patron of Homeless, Insanity, Orphans and Prostitutes
Saint May 16 : St. John Nepomuk a Martyr to the Secrecy of the Confessional and Patron of Confessors
Saint May 17 St. Paschal Baylon the Patron of Eucharist Associations
Saint May 18 St. John I a Pope and Martyr who Died in 526 AD
Saint May 19 St. Celestine V a Pope who Resigned in 1294 and Died 1296 AD
Saint May 19 St. Crispin of Viterbo a Franciscan Lay Brother who Died 1750 and Remains Incorrupt
Saint May 20 St. Bernardine of Siena a Franciscan and Great Preacher who is the Patron of Gamblers and Advertisers
Saint May 21 : St. Eugene de Mazenod the Founder of the Missionary Oblates who died in 1861 - #OMI
Saint May 21 : St. Godric of Finchale a Hermit who Prayed with many tears for Grace
Saint May 21 : Saint Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions who Established a Secret Seminary in Mexico
Saint May 22 : St. Rita of Cascia the Patron of Impossible Causes, Marriage Problems and Abuse Victims
Saint May 23 : St. Jeanne Antide Thouret : Foundress of Sisters of Divine Charity
Saint May 23 : St.John Baptiste de Rossi a Missionary and Catechist who spent many Hours Daily Hearing the Confessions and Died in 1764
Saint May 24 : St. Vincent of Lerins a former Military Man who became a Monk and Writer in France
Our Lady Help of Christians a Powerful Intercessor - Short History - Feast May 24 with Novena by St. John Bosco - Miracle Prayers!
Saint May 25 : St. Madeline Sophie Barat the Foundress of Society of the Sacred Heart in France
Saint May 25 : St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi : Discalced #Carmelite and Healer
Saint May 25: St. Bede a Doctor of the Church and Patron of Lectors , Writers and Historians who Died 735
Saint May 25 : St. Pope Gregory VII - formerly Hildebrand who Purified the Church by a Reformation of the Clergy
Saint May 26 : St. Philip Neri a Missionary and Founder of the Oratory who Encouraged people to Raise their Minds and Hearts to God
Saint May 27 : St. Augustine of Canterbury who is the Patron of England and Died in 604