
Novena to St. Therese Little Flower - Litany, Rosary and Special Prayers - SHARE

RIP Sister Frances Forde and Sr. Marie Duddy - Nuns Killed in Car Accident in Ireland

Latest Vatican Information Service News and Pope Francis Prayer Intention for October

Today's Mass Readings : Wed. October 1, 2014

Pope Francis " is the beauty and the strength of the 'sensus fidei', of that supernatural sense of faith, that is given by the Holy Spirit so that together we can enter into the heart of the Gospel and learn to follow Jesus in our life” Angelus/Video

Saint October 1 : St. Therese of Lisieux : Patron of AIDS, Illness, and Missionaries

Pope Francis "...true prayer comes from the heart, from the moment that we are living in. It is prayer in times of darkness, in those moments of life that seem hopeless...."