
Saint May 8 : St Peter of Tarantaise an Archbishop who Disappeared for a Year into a Monastery then Returned - Died 1174

Saint May 8 : Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine who Felt Called by God at Age 3 to later became a Missionary and Augustinian Nun in Canada

Are You Joining? 50,000 Rosary Challenge of Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire to Bring People Back to the Church!

LISTEN - Coronation Choir in Westminster Abbey Sings a Beautiful Gloria by Catholic Convert William Byrd during the Ceremony for King Charles III - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "This is the compass for reaching Heaven: loving Jesus, the way, becoming signs of his love on earth." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, May 7, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church