
Saint December 7 : St. Ambrose Bishop and Doctor of the Church who Baptized St. Augustine and the Patron of Candle makers, Pets, Students

Wow Football Fans Form Prayer Chain Around Hospital of FIFA's Greatest Pelé - Soccer's Edson Arantes do Nascimento of Brazil

US Religion Census Shows Catholics are the Largest Religion with Over 61 Million in the USA and are Growing!

Pope Francis' Charity at the Vatican is Collecting Warm Winter Clothing for People in Ukraine which Lack's Electricity and Gas

Wow Actor Kirk Cameron Defends Santa Claus and Catholic Traditional History of #SaintNicholas to Share!

Powerful Prayers to Saint Nicholas with Novena + Chaplet - Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Traditional #StNicholas Prayers to Share!

Pope Francis Issues a New Motu Proprio to Better Control the Funds of the Vatican and its Foundations

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, December 6, 2022 in Advent - Eucharist In Your Virtual Church - Memorial of St Nicholas

St. Nicholas Day Recipe - German #Klauskerl Bread - #StNicholas Recipe