
Saint September 28 : Our Lady Undoer of Knots - Entrust the Knots of Our Sins and Miseries to Mary the Mother of Jesus!

Saint September 28 : St. Wenceslaus a Duke and Martyr Who had Taken a Vow of Virginity

Saint September 28 : St. Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions -Martyrs - who said "To Die for God—Such is my Will"

So Cute! Catholic Priest Shares a Picture of Child who Always Comes to Mass Dressed Like a Priest and in Different Liturgical Colours!

Wow WATCH the Short Documentary True Story that Inspired the New Pro-Life Adoption Movie "Lifemark" by Kirk Cameron - Plus Movie Trailer

Famous Blind Singer Andrea Bocelli will Perform at the Vatican's Opening Night of the Video Projection on St. Peter's Basilica

RIP Bishop Jean-Baptiste Ye Ronghua - At Age 91, Catholic Bishop in China Dies, who After Seminary was Sentenced into Forced Labor

A Catholic Pro-life Health Clinic is Vandalized with Satanic Imagery

2000 at Pro-Life Regional March for Life in Dublin, Ireland to Support the Unborn

Quote to SHARE by St. Francis de Sales : "Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset."

Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of San Angelo's Letter Explains "The US Supreme Court Needs to Affirm Explicitly Fetal Personhood" FULL TEXT

Powerful Prayer to Saint Vincent de Paul - Novena to St. Vincent the Patron of Charities; Horses; Hospitals; Leprosy; Prisoners; Spiritual Help; Volunteers

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church