
Saint January 5 : St. John Neumann a Redemptorist Bishop and Missionary to the USA

Cardinal Michael Louis Fitzgerald of the United Kingdom has been Honored by Queen Elizabeth on this New Year’s Honours List

Free Movie : A Time for Miracles - on the Life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Stars Kate Mulgrew

Wow LISTEN to a Beautiful Hallelujah with Famous Tenor Andrea Bocelli and His 8-year-old Daughter via Candle Light

Pope Francis Prayer Intention January "We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognized..." FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says "The supreme witness of the Father’s merciful love for the sick is his only-begotten Son." World Day of the Sick FULL TEXT Message

Easy Novena to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton with Special Communion Prayer of the Patron of Catholic Schools and 1st American Saint!