
Saint March 7 : St. Perpetua and St. Felicity - Heroic Martyrs who Died in 203 AD and Patrons of Mothers, Expectant Mothers

#BreakingNews Pope Francis Sends 2 Cardinals to Ukraine and says "Rivers of blood and tears are flowing in Ukraine...War is madness! Stop, please!"

Head of Ukraine Catholic Church says "Today we say: God, forgive me my sins...God's victory is always the victory of good over evil, truth over untruth, peace over war"

Find PEACE in a Busy World with this EASY Prayer to Our Lady of SILENCE to Help your Journey in LIFE and LENT

Pope Francis says "Cling to the Word of God like Jesus, and at most answer always with the Word of God." FULL TEXT + Video

RIP Cardinal Agostino Cacciavillan - Death of the Former Apostolic Nuncio to the USA

US Bishops' Chairman Urges Continued Prayer and Assistance for Ukraine and Surrounding Countries