
Saint December 11 : St. Eulalia of Mérida a Virgin and Martyr of Spain - Legend says a Dove Flew out of her Mouth as she Died

Pro-Life Victory as the Supreme Court Upholds Texas Law to Save Unborn Babies in a 8-1 Ruling

Saint December 10 : St. Pope Gregory III who was Elected by Acclamation and Died in 741

Pope Francis says "Let's not have a fake Christmas, please, a commercial Christmas! Let us allow ourselves to be enveloped by the closeness of God..." FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says "The Holy House of Loreto reminds us that wherever we are, we have a home that preserves our Christian roots..." FULL TEXT - Video

Pope Francis Tell Jurists " these times, are Catholic jurists called to affirm and protect the rights of the weakest..." FULL TEXT - Video

Beautiful Ancient Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Litany of Our Lady of Loreto with Indulgence