
Sunday Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, September 26, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint September 26 : Sts. Cosmas and Damian : Patrons of Physicians, Dentists, Barbers, Veterinarians and Orphanages

Wow Vatican City Built in Lego - the 1st Entire Country to be Built in Lego by Rocco Buttliere with 67,000 Pieces - VIDEO

US Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman Responds to House Vote on Bill that Imposes Radical “Abortion on Demand Until Birth” - FULL TEXT

Holy See's Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher at the UN Food Systems Summit "Access to food is a fundamental human right and essential..." FULL TEXT + Video

Closing of Catholic Bishops of Germany Fall Plenary Assembly, which Focused on the Ongoing Synodal Path

Catholic Bishops of Canada Release Statement of Apology to the Indigenous Peoples of This Land - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "...the will of the Lord Jesus: that all Christians may be one, to the praise and glory of the Triune God and that the world may believe in Jesus Christ." FULL TEXT to Focolare

US Bishops Release that Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians and Roman Catholics Engage in Exploratory Ecumenical Dialogue - FULL TEXT

Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick in Canada Changes Directives and Does Not Require Vaccination Certificates for Holy Mass