
Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - Virtual Church

Saint August 11 : St. Clare, Friend of St. Francis, the Founder of the Poor Clares and Patron of Television and Sore Eyes

RIP Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo - Death of Former Cardinal Camerlengo at the Vatican at Age 94

Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Bishop Robert Wattebled and Appoints Lourdes Bishop Nicolas Brouwet to Nîmes in France - FULL TEXT Official Release

U.S. Bishops’ Migration Chairman Calls on Government Administration to Protect Families, Ensure Due Process, and Respect Human Dignity - FULL TEXT from USCCB

Being a Follower of Christ is Cool! Interview with Emmy Nominee Craig Syracusa

Pope Francis Appoints Female Nobel Laureate as Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences - FULL TEXT Official Release

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - Virtual Church