
Saint April 28 St. Gianna Beretta Molla a Physician who Sacrificed her Life for her Unborn Baby - Patron Saint of Unborn Babies, Mothers, and Physicians

Saint April 28 St. Louis de Montfort, a Missionary Priest who Established The True Devotion to Mary

A New Saint for Youth! Vatican Official Announces that the Canonization of Pier Giorgio Frassati will Occur during the Jubilee Year

Pope Francis says "Visit your grandparents and do not marginalize them" and Recalls How his Own Grandmother Taught Him about Jesus - at Meeting with 6,000 Elderly and Children - FULL TEXT

LISTEN to a Heavenly Choir Sing "Sicut Cervus" by Palestrina in a Magnificent Church will Touch your Soul!

Pope Francis says "...a mosaic of races, cultures and ages that have come together to respond to Jesus' call to the ministerial priesthood." to Seminarians - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis to Speak at the New G7 Summit on Artificial Intelligence in Puglia, Italy

Four Catholic Bishops in Germany Refuse to Participate in the Synodal Committee

The Catholic Bishops' of England and Wales Issue a Pastoral Reflection on Gender

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, April 27, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church