
Vatican Special Press Conference on the Synod Reveals Social Networks Activity Received 110,000 Responses and an Estimated 20 Million People were Reached - FULL TEXT + VIDEO

Wow Actor Shia LaBeouf Converts to Catholicism after Playing Role of St. Padre Pio in New Film and Mentions Importance of Latin Mass in Interview with Bishop Barron - VIDEO

Pope Francis Tells 1000 Altar Servers "After serving Jesus at Mass, he sends you to serve him in the people you meet during the day..." FULL TEXT + Video

Saint August 26 : St. Joan Elizabeth Lucy Bichier des Âges Founder of the Sisters of the Cross who Wanted to Imitate Jesus in his Poverty

Pope Francis Welcomes Pilgrims and Remembers Priest who Baptized him from Lodi Region

Catholic Bishops of Argentina Voice Opposition to Euthanasia Legislation by Quoting Pope Francis “Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for everyone. "

Pope Francis says "We have forgotten the prayer of adoration...To worship. In silence, before the Lord, before the Blessed Sacrament, adore..." to Religious Sisters

Happy Birthday to St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta! Born Today in 1910 a Champion of the Poor - with Novena Prayer

Saint August 26 : St. Zephyrinus a Former Pope of Rome who had Little Education