
Saint May 30 : St. Joan of Arc the Patron of Soldiers , Martyrs , Prisoners and France

Free Movie : "Karol : A Man who became Pope" on the Life of St. John Paul II - #JPII

Who are the New Cardinals? Vatican Releases Brief Biographies of the New Cardinals to be Created by Pope Francis

Powerful Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost with Consecration Prayers - 3

#BreakingNews Historic Tabernacle Stolen and Eucharist Desecrated at St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York

After the Regina Caeli, Pope Francis Announces Names of 21 New Cardinals and Asks All to Join in Prayer Peace on May 31

Pope Francis explains "The Holy Spirit makes Jesus present in us, beyond the barriers of time and space, to make us his witnesses in the world." FULL TEXT at Regina Caeli