
Pope Francis says "From the hands of God we have received a garden, we cannot leave a desert for our children." at Laudato Si Launch - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis sends Condolences after 14 People Killed in a Cable-Car and Prayers for 5-Year Old Survivor

Saint May 25: St. Bede a Doctor of the Church and Patron of Lectors , Writers and Historians who Died 735

Saint May 25 : St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi : Discalced #Carmelite and a Healer

Saint May 25 : St. Pope Gregory VII - formerly Hildebrand who Purified the Church by a Reformation of the Clergy

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint May 25 : St. Madeline Sophie Barat the Foundress of Society of the Sacred Heart in France

Saint May 24 : St. Vincent of Lerins a former Military Man who became a Monk and Writer in France

Special Prayer to Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of our Faith written by the Pope

Pope Francis Opens the 74th General Assembly of the Italian Bishops and says "The synod has to start from the bottom up, from small communities, small parishes, and it's going to require patience, it's going to require bring out the wisdom of the people of God."

#BreakingNews 15 Christians Killed at Baptism Celebration in Burkina Faso

Pope Francis Tells Journalists "Your work must be creative, always, and go beyond..." FULL TEXT