
Novena to Guardian Angels - #Angel - #Litany, #Chaplet and Special Prayers - SHARE

#PopeFrancis "...our silent prayer in adoration, confession, the Eucharist." FULL TEXT - Homily - Mass Video - in Georgia

Sunday Mass Online : Sun. October 2, 2016 - 27th Ord. Time - C

#PopeFrancis " In the light that radiates from the maternal gaze of Mary..." at #Angelus

#PopeFrancis "... may faith in God be a source and inspiration of mutual understanding" - FULL TEXT - Video

#PopeFrancis "I have come as a pilgrim of peace..." to Muslim leaders in Azerbaijan - FULL TEXT

Saint October 2 : Guardian Angels Feast : #Angels

Saint October 1 : St. Therese of Lisieux : Patron of #AIDS, Illness, and #Missionaries