
Saint February 14 : St. Cyril and St. Methodius : Patrons of #Ecumenism, #Unity of #Eastern and Western Churches

#PopeFrancis “if you insult your brother, you have killed him in your heart”. #Homily

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Monday February 13, 2017 - #Eucharist

Saint February 13 : St. Catherine de Ricci : #Mystic and #Counselor to Future #Popes

#PopeFrancis "...this is possible with the grace of the Holy Spirit, which enables us to do everything with love," #Angelus FULL TEXT + Video

Sunday Mass Online : Sunday February 12, 2017 - #Eucharist - 6th Ord. Time - A

Saint February 12 : St. Saturninus & Companions : #Bishop & #Martyr

#PopeFrancis "I pray that all may be ever joyous signs of the presence of God’s love..." World Day of #Sick - FULL TEXT + Video

Novena to Our Lady of #Lourdes and #Litany #Prayers - SHARE