
#PopeFrancis “In you, as in every stranger who knocks at our door, I see Jesus Christ," to #Migrants - FULL Video

#Novena to St. Therese Little Flower - Litany, Rosary and Special Prayers - SHARE

#PopeFrancis “Seeking a more just society,is not a dream of the past but a commitment, a work, that today needs everyone” Angelus - FULL Video

Sunday Mass Online : Sun. October 1, 2017 - Readings + Video - #Eucharist - 26th Ord. Time A

#PopeFrancis “Our deep encounter with the Lord will help us see Jesus who met the people on the streets....with respect and love and create a revolution of tenderness.” in Cesena

Saint October 1 : St. Therese of Lisieux : Patron of #AIDS, Illness, and #Missionaries

#BreakingNews High Ranking Cardinals speak in Defense of Pope Francis and Amoris Laetitia "In Amoris Laetitia there’s no new doctrine.." C. Müller