
Pope Francis " moments of darkness and difficulty, we must not break down, but remain anchored to fidelity to God...Remember this: God always Saves." FULL TEXT-Video

Sunday Mass Online : Sun. June 17, 2018 - #Eucharist - Readings + Video

Saint June 17 : St. Avitus : #Abbot : Died 530

Pope Francis "You are an icon of God: the family is an icon of God." to Families - FULL TEXT

Wow Catholic World Cup Sports Star Javier Hernandez gets on his Knees and Prays before Games

Pope Francis to Sisters " that the light and the warmth of God's love can reach the people you meet and awaken hope in them." FULL TEXT

The World Cup has a Catholic Founder Jules Rimet "...who believed that sport could unite the world." for Peace

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Sat. June 16, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint June 16 : St. John Francis Regis : #Jesuit Evangelist : Patron of Social Workers - #Regis

Pope Francis Jesus had “many female friends who followed him to help him in his ministry” Homily

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Friday June 15, 2018 - #Eucharist