
Novena for the #ImmaculateConception of Mary : #Prayers - Plenary #Indulgence - SHARE

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Sat. December 8, 2018 - #Solemnity of the #ImmaculateConception

Saint December 8 : Immaculate Conception of Mary : Solemnity of the #ImmaculateConception of the Virgin Mary

Wow Beautiful Nativity displayed in White House from the 1700s that was once Banned

Bishop Oster of Germany Defends Traditional Marriage Blessings - between Man and Woman

Wow Inauguration of Sand Nativity with Tree - Pope Francis "The tree and the crib are two signs us to contemplate the mystery of God made man to be close to each one of us" FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis sends Condolences on Death of President Bush plus Rare Video of Pope John Paul II with President

Pope Francis "I invite you to continue to be bearers of the Lord's redemption to prisoners, refugees and migrants..." FULL TEXT to Order of #OurLadyofMercy

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stFriday December 7, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint December 7 : St. Ambrose : Patron of Candle makers, #Pets, Students : Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Wow Actor Kirk Cameron defends Santa Claus and Catholic #Traditional History of #SaintNicholas - SHARE

#BreakingNews President of Philippines Attacks Catholics saying to public "Your bishops, kill them...." -

Novena to St. Nicholas + Chaplet - #Caminata de los Tres Lunes - #StNicholas #Novena Prayers to SHARE

#BreakingNews Catholic Priest Burned with Acid by Woman while hearing Confession in Cathedral

Pope Francis asks “Am I a Christian of words, or of deeds?” in #Advent #Homily at #Vatican

#BreakingNews another Church Refugee Camp Attacked in Central African Republic with Children Injured - Please Pray