
Saint August 13 : St. Hippolytus : Patron of #Prison #Guards and #Horses

Saint August 13 : St. Pontian : #Pope

Saint August 13 : St. Radegund : #Princess and #Queen of #France

#BreakingNews Catholic Priest Killed by Stabbing in Peru - RIP Jesuit Fr. Carlos Riudavets Montes

Pope Francis "A Christian can’t be a hypocrite; he must live in a consistent way." FULL TEXT + Video

Sunday Mass Online : Sun. August 12, 2018 - #Eucharist - Readings + Video - 19th Ord. Time - B

Saint August 12 : St. Jane Frances de Chantal : #Foundress : Patron of #Forgotten

Pope Francis "Jesus Christ, dear young people, is not a hero immune from death, but he who transforms it with the gift of his life." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis at Q and A with 70,000 Youth "Jesus wants to come to us. But I often think of Jesus knocking on the door..." FULL TEXT