
Pope Francis “a life of profound communion and perfect love, the origin and end of the whole universe and of every creature.”

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15 - Respect Your Elders

Pope Francis Prays for Peace in Iraq and Invites all to Pray with him

Trinity Sunday Mass Readings Online : June 15, 2014

Saint June 15 : St. Germaine Cousin : Patron of Abuse Victims, Disabled, Ugly, and Abandoned

Saint June 15 : St. Vitus : Patron of #Actors , Comedians, Dogs, Dancers and Epilepsy

Full Text - Pope Francis for Mission Day "I urge each of you to recall, as if you were making an interior pilgrimage, that “first love”

Pope Francis to Volunteers "Imitate Jesus: He walks the streets and makes no plans..."