
Saint September 22 : St. Thomas of Villanova of #Valencia #Spain

#PopeFrancis "Jesus’ love goes before us, his look anticipates our needs." at Mass in #Cuba FULL TEXT/Video

#PopeFrancis "May hope in Christ, your friend, always guide you along your path in life." to #Youth

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Mon. September 21, 2015

Novena to St. Matthew - SHARE this #Prayer - Patron of #Money, #Bankers and #Tax Collectors

Wow Thousands at March for Life in Germany held in #Berlin - #ProLife - SHARE

#BreakingNews US Government Votes to Block #PlannedParenthood Funding in 241-187 vote

Saint September 21 : St. Matthew : #Apostle : Patron of Accountants, Taxes and Bankers

#PopeFrancis at #Vespers "Jesus prays and he invites us to pray, because he knows that some things can only be received as gifts..." FULL TEXT/Video

#PopeFrancis meets Fidel Castro in #Cuba a Historic Event - #PopeinCuba

#Novena for Feast of the #Archangels St. Michael - St. Gabriel - St. Raphael

#PopeFrancis "To learn to see Jesus in every person bent low on the path of life, in all our brothers and sisters..." #Angelus FULL TEXT/Video

#PopeFrancis in #Cuba "Service always looks to their faces, touches their flesh, senses their closeness and even, in some cases, “suffers” Homily FULL TEXT/Video