
#PopeFrancis "In every situation, this means rejecting violence as a method for resolving conflicts..." to #Ambassadors - FULL TEXT

Saint December 15 : St. Mary di Rosa : #Foundress of the Handmaids of Charity

Wow wish #PopeFrancis a Happy 80th Birthday via Email - #Vatican Releases Address and #HashTag - #Pontifex80 - SHARE

#PopeFrancis "God. He is able to overcome the greatest sin, the most shameful, the most terrible...with love" #Audience FULL TEXT - Video

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wed. December 14, 2016

Saint December 14 : St. John of the Cross : Patron of #Contemplatives; #Mystics; Spanish poets

What is St. Lucy Day - 10 Things to SHARE about #Traditions of #StLucy

#PopeFrancis "...we are not and never will be an orphaned people. We have a Mother!" #Guadelupe #Homily FULL TEXT + Mass Video

Novena to St. Lucy - Patron of Blind - SHARE #Prayers to #StLucy

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Tues. December 13, 2016

#PopeFrancis “Walk in my presence and be blameless.” #Advent #Homily

St. Lucy Crown Recipe - Special Sweet Bread - Easy to make #StLucy - SHARE - #Recipe

Saint December 13 : St. Lucy : Patron of Blind; Martyrs; Epidemics; Salesmen, throat infections