
#BreakingNews President of Philippines Attacks Catholics saying to public "Your bishops, kill them...." -

Novena to St. Nicholas + Chaplet - #Caminata de los Tres Lunes - #StNicholas #Novena Prayers to SHARE

#BreakingNews Catholic Priest Burned with Acid by Woman while hearing Confession in Cathedral

Pope Francis asks “Am I a Christian of words, or of deeds?” in #Advent #Homily at #Vatican

#BreakingNews another Church Refugee Camp Attacked in Central African Republic with Children Injured - Please Pray

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thurs. December 6, 2018 - #Eucharist

St. Nicholas Day Recipe - German #Klauskerl #Bread - #StNicholas #Recipe

Saint December 6 : Saint Nicholas : Patron of #Children, #Sailors, #Prostitutes, Thieves - Real #SantaClaus

Pope Francis "Jesus prayed intensely in public moments, sharing the liturgy of his people..." FULL TEXT + Video

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wed. December 5, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint December 5 : St. Sabbas : Hermit : Died 532

Pope Francis in Homily - Prepare for Christmas by building peace in one's soul, in the family and in the world through humility.