
FULL TEXT Letter of Pope Francis to US Bishops on Retreat in Response to Abuse Crisis "The hurt caused by these sins and crimes ..."

#BreakingNews 7 Christians Arrested at Christmas for attending Church services - Please Pray

RIP Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-Cheung of Hong Kong - Beloved Bishop Dies at Age 73

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thursday January 2, 2019 - #Eucharist - #HolyName of Jesus

Holy Name of Jesus Feast with Powerful Prayers Against Evil! Litany + #Novena to the Holy Name to SHARE

Saint January 3 : St. Genevieve : #Virgin : #Patroness of #Paris

Pope Francis "Love has no boundaries: one can love one's spouse, one's friend and even one's enemy with a completely new perspective." FULL Text + Video

Free Catholic Movie : Pope John Paul II : Stars Albert Finney #JPII

#BreakingNews Leaked Letter from Cardinal Ouellet at Vatican to US Bishops Reveals Details on Delaying Abuse Vote

#Quote to SHARE by #StBasil "True fasting lies is rejecting evil, holding one's tongue, suppressing one's hatred, and banishing one's lust, evil words..."