
Biographies of 7 Newly Beatified Greek-Catholic Martyred Bishops from Romania

Former UN Ambassador for the US Nikki Haley gives Powerful Pro-Life Speech "You are doing God’s work and making our world a better place." Full Text

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - #Eucharist in Eastertide

Saint June 5 : St. Boniface : Apostle of Germany : Patron of Brewers and Tailors with Litany and Novena Prayers

Powerful Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost - #Miracle Prayers to Help you! - 4

Wow Nearly 3 Million people at Uganda, Martyrs' Day in Africa - with Pilgrims from around the World!

Pope Francis tells Judges "You have an essential protagonists in the transformation of the judicial system based on courage, justice