
Pope Francis tells Journalists they have "... the task not only of providing reliable information...act with greater responsibility and not only by hearsay, perhaps carried by the wave of fake news."

Novena to St. Nicholas + Chaplet - #Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Powerful #StNicholas Novena Prayers to Share!

Wow Vatican Traditional Ceremony for Lighting of Christmas Tree and Nativity Scene - Full Video

St. Nicholas Day Recipe - German #Klauskerl Bread - #StNicholas Recipe

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stFriday, December 6, 2019 - #Eucharist - St. Nicholas Day

Official Release from Diocese of Peoria regarding the Postponement of the Beatification of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Pope Francis and Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb Propose World Day of Fraternity to the United Nations

Saint December 6 : Saint Nicholas the Patron of Children, Sailors, Prostitutes, Thieves - The Real #SantaClaus

Pope Francis' December Prayer Intention for "The future of children...especially the future of children who are suffering today."

#BreakingNews 2 Priests Killed in Car Accident and 2 other Priests Critically Injured in South Africa

At Mass, Pope Francis explains "Changing my life requires changing the foundations of my life, that is, finding the Rock that is Christ" in Homily

Wow 5,000 people in Sydney, Australia walk in Eucharistic Procession and Archbishop proclaims Jesus is Substantially present - Video

Pope Francis says the Nativity " a genuine way of communicating the Gospel, in a world that sometimes seems to be afraid to remember what Christmas really is.." Full Text