
Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for July "Social friendship We pray that....we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship." VIDEO

July a Month Devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus - Powerful Prayers to the Precious Blood to Share! Novena, Litany and Chaplet

Pope Francis Prays for Lebanon with Christian Leaders from the Nation Gathered at the Vatican - FULL Video

List of the Inspiring Saints of Canada with Litany and Prayer for Canada who Became a Nation on July 1st 1867

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Thursday July 1, 2021 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint July 1 : Saint Junípero Serra the Great Franciscan Spanish Missionary of California

Pope Francis says "...let us keep fixed in our hearts and minds that encounter with grace, when God changed our existence." FULL TEXT + Video

Pro-Life Bishop Barron Challenges Extreme Abortion Positions of Catholic Politicians in the New York Post

Pope Francis says "The Christian gaze of the economy and of born from the message of Jesus.." FULL TEXT to Business Leaders + Video