
Head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine says "Today we are asking the world community to close the skies over Ukraine, because Russian cruise missiles are killing the most people..."

Orthodox Pope and Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria says "We condemn Russia's aggression and ask God for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters to protect and achieve peace."

Easy Novena to Saints Perpetua and Felicity - Powerful Prayer to the Patron Saints of Mothers, Expectant mothers, Ranchers and Butchers

Holy Mass Online : Monday, March 7, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church - C

Saint March 7 : St. Perpetua and St. Felicity - Heroic Martyrs who Died in 203 AD and Patrons of Mothers, Expectant Mothers

#BreakingNews Pope Francis Sends 2 Cardinals to Ukraine and says "Rivers of blood and tears are flowing in Ukraine...War is madness! Stop, please!"

Head of Ukraine Catholic Church says "Today we say: God, forgive me my sins...God's victory is always the victory of good over evil, truth over untruth, peace over war"

Find PEACE in a Busy World with this EASY Prayer to Our Lady of SILENCE to Help your Journey in LIFE and LENT

Pope Francis says "Cling to the Word of God like Jesus, and at most answer always with the Word of God." FULL TEXT + Video

RIP Cardinal Agostino Cacciavillan - Death of the Former Apostolic Nuncio to the USA

US Bishops' Chairman Urges Continued Prayer and Assistance for Ukraine and Surrounding Countries

Sunday Holy Mass Online : Sun. March 6, 2022 - 1st Sunday in Lent - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church - C

Saint March 6 : Our Lady of Nazareth or Nazaré who was Known for Miraculous Protection

#BreakingNews Beloved Catholic Priest Murdered - RIP Father José Enrique Vasquez who was Violently Shot to Death after Visiting his Parents

Pope Francis says "We were "adopted" by the Father for Jesus: He made us enter into this relationship with the Father, with the awareness of being children..."

Powerful Ancient Prayer for Lent by St. Ephrem "Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of laziness, discouragement, lust..."

Wow Actor Mark Wahlberg Posts Video Encouraging Everyone to Pray in Lent - WATCH

Head of Ukraine Catholic Church's Appeal "I want to appeal to the international community: let's not be silent, let's do everything so that at least humanitarian convoys can get to those cities that are now in the clutches of a ruthless enemy..."