
Long Lost Lectures of Benedict XVI as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in New Book "Reflections on Creation and the Church"

#BreakingNews California Catholic Bishop David O'Connell Shot and Killed at Age 69 - RIP to the Peacemaker Bishop

Pope Francis says "God's love is always "extraordinary", it goes beyond, it goes beyond the usual criteria with which we humans live our relationships."

Holy Mass Online : Sunday, February 19, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint February 19 : St. Conrad of Piacenza a Franciscan Hermit, Both he and his Wife Entered Religious Life and Patron of Cure for Hernias

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie - "Lilies of the Field" - Stars Sidney Poitier

Pope Francis says the Church, Religious and Laity, are "united by the one faith in Christ...oriented towards the same mission of proclaiming the merciful love of God the Father."

What is Mardi Gras or Pancake (Shrove) Tuesday also Called Carnival - Answers and Free #Recipe to Share!

Pope Francis Quotes St. John Paul II "true justice in the Church, animated by charity and tempered by equity, always deserves..." to Roman Rota FULL TEXT

Franciscan Priest Fr. Cosimo Damiano Muratori is Expelled from Nicaragua back to Italy for Previous Assault

Saint February 18 : St. Simeon of Jerusalem, a Relative of Jesus and Bishop and Martyr of Jerusalem

Holy Mass Online : Saturday, February 18, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Large Multi-Million Dollar Shrine Honoring the 1st Recognized US Born Martyr Blessed Fr. Stanley Rother is Dedicated in Oklahoma - FULL Video

Saint February 18 : St. Fra Angelico the "Angelic Friar" a Dominican and Patron of Artists with Prayer

#BreakingNews US Catholic Bishops' Conference Condemns Leaked FBI Document Profiling Traditional Catholics - FULL TEXT USCCB

Wow a Miracle Boy, Age 5, Rescued from the Earthquake, after 192 Hours, says Person in White Fed him!

#BreakingNews Historic Catholic Church Set on Fire in Violent Arson Attack in Wissen, Germany