
Learn the Short PRAYER of the Priest who was the 1st Recorded Death of 9/11, Fr. Mychal Judge, who Died while Giving Last Rites to a Fire Fighter!

Pope Francis says "Proclaiming Christ unites rather than divides; the shared proclamation of our Lord evangelizes..." to India's Orthodox Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Mathews III at the Vatican

Wow from Fire Fighter at 9/11 to Monk to Catholic Priest - The Inspiring True Story of Fr. Tom Colucci

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Monday September 11, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Beautiful Tribute to 9/11 Tragedy of 22 Years Ago + St. Pope John Paul II's Words - Remembering the Nearly 3000 that Died - RIP - #NeverForget

Saint September 11 : St. John Gabriel Perboyre a Priest and Martyr of China of the Congregation of the Mission

WATCH a Free Movie : Mother Teresa - Full Film - on the Life of St. #MotherTeresa of Calcutta

Wow Over 32,000 Attend the Beatification of the Ulma Family of 9 Including their Unborn - a Day of Great Joy in Poland!

Pope Francis says "May Mary, who continued to love even as she heard people condemn her Son, help us to always..." and Prays for Earthquake Victims - FULL TEXT + Video

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Sunday September 10, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint September 10 : St. Nicholas of Tolentino who Entered Religious Life in his Teens and the Patron Saint of Babies, Animals, and the Dying

WATCH a Free Christian Movie : Mary of #Nazareth - Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Watch Full Film

Pope Francis says "God's dream for us is this: to unite us in His love, in His communion, to make us discover the beauty of divine...For this Jesus prayed earnestly." to #Families - FULL TEXT

#BreakingNews Death Toll from the Earthquake in Morocco is Now Over 1000 with Hundreds Injured and Many Missing - Please Pray!

Saintly Antoine Frédéric Ozanam the Founder of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Miracle which led to his Beatification by Pope St. John Paul II - Biography

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Saturday September 9, 2023 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint September 9 : St. Peter Claver who Baptized Over 300,000 - Miracle Worker and Patron Saint of Racism, Slaves and African Americans