
America Remembers the Anniversary of the Death of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Read the Inspiring Funeral Homily that Quoted JFK's own Speech

RIP Chris Slattery - a Pro-Life Hero and Founder of Expectant Mother Care, Dies at age 68 after a Battle with Cancer

Michael Voris, Founder, and Christine Niles, Journalist, both Step Down from Church Militant - the Company said Voris Breached their "morality clause"

Wow LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn Honoring St. Cecilia Patron Saint of Church Musicians and Poets

Pope Francis meets with Family of War Victims of Palestine and Israel - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "Please, let's move forward for peace, pray for peace, pray a lot for peace...We pray for the Palestinian people, we pray for the Israeli people, for peace to come." FULL TEXT

Powerful Prayers to SHARE to St. Cecilia the Patron Saint of Music and Poets + Novena to Saint Cecilia

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - Eucharist In Your Virtual Church - Memorial of St. Cecilia

Saint November 22 : St. Cecilia a Martyr who Died in 117 - Patron Saint of Church Musicians whose Body was Found Incorrupt!

Death Toll of Children Tops 5,000 in GAZA - Pope Francis' Calls for Ceasefire Reiterated by Vatican Archbishop who Told the UN the Situation is Unacceptable

RIP Rosalynn Carter - Death of the Former 1st Lady as Wife to President Jimmy Carter for 77 Years who Volunteered at her Church and Leaves a Key to Successful Marriage

Bishop Georges Colomb of France Charged with Assault who Withdrew from Office in June - Statement by Bishops

Pope Francis' Letter to the German Theologians about Germany's Synodal Way and his Concerns for Church Unity - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis releases New Book 'Christmas at the Nativity' - "On that night, made holy by the Savior’s birth, we find another powerful sign..."

Special Prayers Honoring the Mother of Jesus - Powerful Novena for the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - Eucharist Your Virtual Catholic Church - Memorial Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint November 21 : The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple by her Parents - #BVM