
Saint March 29 : Saint Ludovico of Casoria : Founder of the Gray Brothers and Sisters

Last Supper Mass in Jerusalem at the Holy Sepulchre with Cardinal Pizzaballa's Homily "Certainly, the war, with its burden of violence and hatred, suffering and death, makes celebrating this feast difficult" FULL TEXT + VIDEO

Pope Francis Washes the Feet of 12 Female Prisoners and Presides at Mass saying "Jesus never tires of forgiving" - VIDEO

Patriarchs and Leaders of Churches in Jerusalem "we reiterate our call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire" - "for the speedy distribution of humanitarian aid; the release of all captives" in Easter Message - FULL TEXT

Easter TRIDUUM Explained in 3 Min. - What is the Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil - Holiest Days of the Year!

Pope Francis' Chrism Mass Homily "Let us return to the prayer of the heart. Let us repeat: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." FULL TEXT + Video

LISTEN to this Beautiful Chant - to Gain a Plenary Indulgence on Holy Thursday when Christ Instituted the Eucharist! Tantum Ergo with Lyrics

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024 - Holy Week #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint March 28 : St. Venturino of Bergamo a Dominican Missionary

Saint March 28 : St. Catherine of Bologna : a Poor Clare Abbess whose Body is Incorrupt with a Flowery Aroma - Patron Saint of Art and Artists

Pope Francis Highlights 2 Fathers - Israeli and Palestinian who Lost their Daughters and Work for Peace

Cardinal Charles Bo of Myanmar's Appeal "Together, let us kneel in solidarity, imploring the Almighty to dispel the darkness of conflict....let the world pledge to transform instruments of war into tools of peace..."

Pope Francis says "I invite everyone to live these days in prayer, to open themselves to the grace of Christ...let us pray for peace....May the Lord give peace to all, as his Easter gift!"

Pope Francis' to Christians in the Holy Land "may you sense the love of Catholics throughout the world! May the Lord Jesus...pour over your wounds in body and soul the balm of his consolation" FULL TEXT Letter

Holy Thursday Explained in 3 Minutes - What You Need to Know! LENT Ends with the Last Supper of Jesus as in the Bible with Church Traditions - VIDEO