
Vatican Synod Update in its Final Week Urges an End to War and Re-inculturising Catholicism in the Age of Post-Secularisation

Vatican Synod Update Reveals Pope Francis Decides Women Deacons Should Not be Addressed and Final Document Imagery

Vatican Synod Update Focuses on Decentralization, Common Easter, Laity, Latin America, Sudan, Welcoming Women and Youth

Vatican Synod Update Highlights Disability and Interfaith Dialogue, a "Mediterranean ecclesial assembly" for Migrants, and Listening Ministry

Vatican Synod Update Reveals Discussions on the Digital World, Evangelization and Culture, and the Role of Bishops’ Conferences

Vatican Synod Update Reveals a Focus on Disabilities, Priestly Celibacy, Role of Women

Vatican Synod Update Focused on Evangelization "to involve every baptized person in the Church" - “to expand the kingdom of God throughout the world.”

Vatican Synod Update a “great sign of hope” that offers Something to the Church of our Time and to Humanity

Vatican Synod Update Highlights Ecumenism with Input from Anglicans and Mennonites "holiness is the surest path to unity.”

Vatican Synod UPDATE Discussions on Deacons, Co-Responsibility of Parents, Women's Roles, and the Poor “the presence of the laity is indispensable"

Vatican Synod Members Raise Over Sixty Thousand in Funds for Gaza's Catholic Church - Day 6 Synod Briefing

Vatican Synod at Briefing says "The Church must build bridges and be a bridge itself."

Synod Members say "we must all be artisans of peace"

Synod Bishop from Lebanon's Urgent Peace Appeal and Testifies that he Forgave the Person who Murdered his Parents

Pope Francis Tells the Synod Assembly "we realize how difficult it is to respond with good in the face of evil" but the Spirit Comforts with Hope

Pope Francis Asks Everyone to Pray and Fast for Peace on Oct 7 and says "God advises" "listen to the voice of the angel” at Synod Opening Mass - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Asks for Forgiveness for the Church's Sins during the Vatican Synod's Penitential Vigil

Vatican Synod Retreat Mass Homily of Archbishop Costelloe "how to be a synodal Church in mission, we will need to keep our eyes on Christ." FULL TEXT

What is the Synod on Synodality? Synod Explained in 5 Key Points

Synod Members Take Part in 2-Day Vatican Retreat - Cardinal Grech Opened Highlighting Prayer and All Participants will be Given a Rosary