
#BreakingNews over 30,000 Pray Rosary around Ireland for #ProLife Cause and Faith

#PopeFrancis "Vocation is today! The Christian mission is now! Each one of us is called" #Vocations Message FULL TEXT

Novena to St. Barbara and Prayers - #Patron of #Architects, #Builders, #Miners, and Sudden Death

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Mon. December 4, 2017 - #Eucharist

Saint December 4 : St. John Damascene : Doctor of the Church

Saint December 4 : St. Barbara : Patron of Mathematicians, Miners, Military engineers, lightning, Sudden death

#PopeFrancis "Advent is the time that is given to us to welcome the Lord who comes to meet us, to verify our desire for God..." FULL TEXT + Video - Angelus

What is Advent? 3 Things to SHARE plus FREE #Advent Ressources!

Free Catholic Movie : "Grace, Guts and Glory" : Drama of #StFrancisXavier : Stars Karan Kodade

FULL TEXT Interview of Pope Francis on Plane to Rome with Journalists "I have Christian hope."