
Latest #News from #Vatican and #PopeFrancis

Saint May 5 : St. Hilary of Arles : #Bishop - Died 449 - #France

Saint May 4 : St. Florian : Patron of #Firefighters

Saint May 4 : St. Godehard of Hildesheim - Patron of Sick #Children

Free Catholic Movie : Pope John Paul II : Stars Albert Finney #JPII

#PopeFrancis at Sunday Mass “To remain in Jesus means to be united to Him..." Homily/Video

#BreakingNews 300 #Yazidis Killed in Iraq - Please PRAY

Angela Richmond on Mission to the #Yukon in #Canada - Help this Mission!

#PopeFrancis " see the world and the things in it with the eyes of Jesus" Regina Caeli Text/Video

Sunday Mass Online : Sunday May 3, 2015 - 5th of Easter